[agents] TIME 2023 - 30th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning - Call for papers

Carlo Combi carlo.combi at univr.it
Wed Apr 12 01:43:31 EDT 2023

****** TIME 2023 ******
30th International Symposium on Temporal Representation and Reasoning
25-26 September, 2023
NCSR Demokritos, Athens, Greece


* Since 1994, the TIME International Symposium brings together researchers from different disciplines of Computer Science working on temporal aspects of computational systems.
* We are glad to announce that TIME will be back to an in-person conference! We look forward to welcoming the TIME community to Athens after 3 years of online events.
* At least one author of each accepted paper must register early and physically attend TIME 2023 to present their work. Participants who are not giving a presentation may attend TIME 2023 remotely; of course, we strongly encourage physical participation!
* In addition to theoretical work, we invite submissions focusing on the development, deployment and evaluation of *systems* for temporal reasoning. Such systems papers will be evaluated primarily on the quality of the empirical evaluation and reusability.

*** Topics ***

Topics for TIME 2023 include (but are not limited to):
-Time in Artificial Intelligence
-Time in Data Science
-Temporal Logic and Reasoning
-Spatial and temporal reasoning
-Time in natural language processing
-Reasoning about action and change
-Complex event recognition and forecasting
-Planning and planning languages
-Ontologies of time and space-time
-Belief and uncertainty in temporal knowledge
-Temporal learning and discovery
-Temporal data models and query languages
-Temporal query processing and indexing
-Temporal data mining
-Time-series data management
-Stream data management
-Spatio-temporal data management, including moving objects
-Data currency and expiration
-Indeterminate and imprecise temporal data
-Temporal constraints
-Specification and verification of systems
-Verification of software and web applications
-Synthesis and execution
-Model checking algorithms and implementations
-Temporal logics for infinite-state systems
-Runtime verification of temporal properties
-Temporal aspects of agent- and policy-based systems
-Temporal Networks

*** Important Dates ***

* Abstracts due: April 28, 2023
* Papers due: May 5, 2023
* Notification: June 16, 2023
* Camera-ready version: July 14, 2023
* Conference: September 25-26, 2023

*** Programme Committee Chairs ***

Alexander Artikis       University of Piraeus & NCSR Demokritos, Greece
Florian Bruse     University of Kassel, Germany
Luke Hunsberger         Vassar College, USA

Carlo Combi, Ph.D.
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universita' degli Studi di Verona
Ca' Vignal 2
strada le Grazie 15
I-37134 Verona - VR - Italy
email: carlo.combi at univr.it<mailto:carlo.combi at univr.it>

Carlo Combi, Ph.D.
Dipartimento di Informatica
Universita' degli Studi di Verona
Ca' Vignal 2
strada le Grazie 15
I-37134 Verona - VR - Italy
phone: +39 045 802 7985
mobile: +39 328 8606227
fax: +39 045 802 7068
email: carlo.combi at univr.it

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