[agents] Call for Papers - ACM MobiCom 2023

Ginés García Avilés gines.garcia at i2cat.net
Mon Jul 25 04:25:31 EDT 2022

* Call For Papers ACM MobiCom 2023 *


* Summer Deadline Approaching! *

* Important Dates *
Abstract Registration                August   12, 2022 23:59 PDT  March 10,
2023 23:59 PDT
Paper Submission                    August   19, 2022 23:59 PDT  March 17,
2023 23:59 PDT
Early Notification                      October  7,  2022
   May   8,  2023
Reviews Released to Authors  October  21, 2022                   May   26,
Rebuttals Due                          October  28, 2022 23:59 PDT  June
3,  2023 23:59 PDT
Notification of Acceptance        November 18, 2022           June  20, 2023

The ACM MobiCom conference seeks papers describing significant
research contributions in the field of wireless networking
and mobile computing. MobiCom solicits papers that address
important research challenges and build practical working systems.
Successful papers should propose novel ideas to attack such
problems through rigorous analysis, system design, and real-world
measurement or deployment of mobile networks, systems, and applications.

MobiCom’23 will emphasize novelty and creativity while,
at the same time, taking a broader and more inclusive view
of wireless and mobile systems research. On one hand, the
more novel the concept, the harder it can be to fully
develop or evaluate all its aspects. On the other hand, the
more practical and developed the system, the more simple
and sometimes known techniques must be leveraged. The review
process will take both cases into account as intellectual
merit and novelty can be found in techniques, system designs,
implementations, and applications. The review process
will also favor papers that describe how the authors will provide
access to well-documented datasets, modeling and/or
simulation tools, and codebases to support the reproducibility of
their methods as well as papers that highlight and
discuss not only the significance but also the limitations of the

Unlike in previous years, MobiCom’23 will not have separate
categories of challenge, experience, and verification papers.
However, we do encourage the submission of experience papers
as full papers that provide detailed technical insight into
real-world deployments of novel technologies and systems.
MobiCom'23 will also incorporate early notifications for papers
rejected in round 1 and rebuttals as described above in more detail.

* Topics *
We invite submissions on a wide range of mobile computing, mobile
systems, mobile applications, and wireless networking research,
including but not limited to the following (listed alphabetically):
    - Applications of machine learning to mobile/wireless research
    - Backscatter communication and wireless power
    - Edge and cloud computing
    - Embedded and energy-harvesting systems
    - Experimental platforms and infrastructures for
  wireless/mobile research
    - Implanted and wearable computing
    - Machine-to-machine communications
    - Millimeter-wave and terahertz communications
    - Mobile data science & analysis
    - Mobile health
    - Next generation of mobile networks (5G, 6G and beyond)
    - Mobile web, video, virtual reality, and other
    - Novel applications of wireless signals
    - Mobile systems and applications
    - Practical quantum applications and systems (quantum
  sensing, quantum programming, quantum machine
  learning, etc.)
    - Robotic and drone-based networking
    - Reconfigurable surfaces and meta materials for mobile
    - Satellite Networks
    - Security and privacy issues/solutions for mobile/wireless
    - Sensing with radio, light, sound, and acoustics
    - Systems smart spaces (e.g. smart factories, smart
  workspace, smart agriculture)
    - Ubiquitous computing and mobile human-computer interaction
    - Underwater networking and sensing
    - Visible light communications
    - V2X: Vehicular to Anything Networking
    - Wireless localization and tracking

* Two Deadlines, Early Notification, Rebuttals, and One-shot Revision *
MobiCom 2023 offers authors the option of two deadlines and
keeps the one-shot revision process to enhance the timeliness
and quality of the scientific results from the research community.
Each paper will go through the same rigorous reviewing process
as in previous MobiCom conferences. The review process for each
deadline will involve two rounds. Papers that are not selected
to proceed after the first round will receive an early
notification, including reviews. After the second round of
reviews, the reviews will be released to the authors and who
will have one week to submit a rebuttal.

MobiCom will provide an opportunity for authors to respond
to reviews prior to the final consideration of the papers at
the program committee meeting. Authors must limit their
responses to (a) correcting factual errors in the reviews or
(b) directly addressing questions posed by reviewers. Responses
should be limited to clarifying the submitted work. In
particular, responses must not include new experiments,
new data, or new figures, describe additional work completed
since submission or promise additional work to follow.

The submission of a rebuttal is optional. Rebuttals will be
limited to a maximum of 1000 words submitted in the online
submission form. It is worth noting that available reviews
will be released at the above-mentioned times. However,
additional reviews might be solicited or submitted after
the rebuttal period.

Final decisions will be one of the following

    - Accept: Accepted papers will be presented at the MobiCom
  conference and appear as part of the proceedings and the
  MobiCom website.
  Note all the papers in this category will initially be
  conditionally accepted. The papers that go through a
  successful anonymous shepherding process will eventually
  be accepted.
    - Reject: Rejected after reviewed papers cannot be resubmitted
  until 11 months have passed since the last MobiCom deadline
  they were submitted to. We strongly encourage the authors
  to address reviewers' feedback before re-submitting the
  paper to MobiCom.
    - One-Shot-Revision: Papers, where a revision is required,
  will be given specific action points and can be resubmitted
  for the next deadline. For such papers, the reviewers will
  articulate a maximum of three major changes/clarifications
  that they would like to see.

  After the resubmission, the paper will be evaluated based
  on whether the authors have properly addressed the reviewers’
  requests. Unlike in the shepherding process, the requested
  action points may include running additional experiments
  that obtain specific results and could take more than 4-6
  weeks. During this revision period, the paper is still
  considered under review to MobiCom and therefore cannot be
  submitted to other conferences unless the authors first
  withdraw it from consideration.

Artifact Evaluation for Accepted Papers
The authors of accepted MobiCom 2023 papers will be invited to
submit supporting materials to the Artifact Evaluation process.
Artifact Evaluation is run by a separate committee that will
assess how well the submitted artifacts support the work described
in the accepted papers. Participation in Artifact Evaluation is
voluntary and has no influence on the paper’s acceptance, but is
strongly encouraged. Papers that go through the Artifact Evaluation
process successfully will receive badges printed on the papers
themselves. Additional details on the Artifact Evaluation process
can be found here.

* Submission Policy *

In addition to the formatting requirements, all authors are expected
to make sure that their paper complies with the following submission

Previous Publications
We allow submissions that extend a previous work published as a
poster, demo, or workshop paper such as HotMobile or HotNets.
However, in such case, the author(s) should (1) acknowledge their
own previous workshop publication with an anonymous citation (e.g.,
"[7] Anonymized workshop paper") and (b) explain the differences
between the MobiCom submission and the prior workshop paper
(e.g. "This paper extends a prior workshop paper [7] and differs
in the following aspects ..."). In addition, the online submission
form will require authors to submit the deanonymized citation and
a short explanation of the differences from the prior workshop paper.

The PC will review such extended versions of previously-published
workshop papers in accordance with the ACM Plagiarism Policy.

No Simultaneous Submissions
All submissions must describe original research not published
or currently under review for another conference or journal.
It is ACM policy (ACM Author Rights and Publishing Policy,
Prior Publication, and Simultaneous Submissions) not to allow
double submissions, where the same paper is submitted concurrently
to more than one conference/journal. Any double submissions
detected will be immediately rejected from all conferences/journals

The ACM policy on simultaneous submissions does not consider
technical reports (including arXiv) to be concurrent publications
or submissions.

Double-blind Submissions
All submissions will be evaluated through double-blind reviewing.
Please do not violate this requirement by explicitly or implicitly
leaking the identity of any co-author or institution. They include
but not limited to the below requirements:
    - Please be sure your name and affiliation do not appear on
  the paper or in the submitted PDF file. This means that
  before submission, you must remove from the paper the authors'
  names, authors' affiliations, acknowledgments of funding
  sources, etc.
    - Please be cautious and careful how you refer to your own
  prior work in the paper. For example, do not describe your
  prior work with phrases like:
        - “In prior work[3], we presented a routing protocol that …”
  Instead, refer to your work in the third person, such as
        - “In prior work, Smith[3] presented a routing protocol that …”
      With this method, the full citation to Smith can still be given,
  such as
        - [3] Smith, J., "Analysis of … "
      In particular, it is not acceptable to say
        - [3] Reference deleted for double-blind review.
    - Please avoid advertising the paper with the same or similar
  title on your webpage, social media, or through large mailing
  Authors may include links to websites that contain source code,
  tools, or other supplemental material. The link in the paper,
  however, must be anonymized.
  Reviewers are not obliged to review such supplementary materials
  and such links must not be used to provide additional text that
  does not fit within the 12-page limit of the paper.
    - Authors are allowed to give talks to restricted audiences on
  the work(s) submitted to MobiCom during the review. If you have
  posted or plan to post a non-anonymized version of your paper on
  a preprint server before the MobiCom decisions are made, the
  submitted version must not refer to the non-anonymized version.
  MobiCom strongly discourages advertising the preprint on social
  media, personal web pages or in the press while under submission
  to MobiCom. Finally, any reviewer aware of the authorship of a
  specific submission, may not be allowed to review the paper,
  at the discretion of the PC chairs.

We will not review any paper that violates our double-blind policy.

Submissions will be kept confidential until accepted. Rejected
submissions will be kept confidential permanently.

All accepted regular papers will be considered for the Best Paper Award.

*Call for Papers*

* Contact Us *
For questions, please contact the Program Co-Chairs,
Landon Cox (https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/research/people/lacox/)
and Haitham Hassanieh (https://haitham.ece.illinois.edu/),
at mobicom23-pc-chairs at acm.org.@acm.org.
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