[agents] PDRA in Agent Programming for Digital Security and Trust

Louise Dennis louise.dennis at manchester.ac.uk
Wed Jun 8 08:45:08 EDT 2022

                 Post-Doctoral Research Associate in
        “Agent Programming for Digital Security and Trust”

                  Autonomy and Verification group
     Department of Computer Science, University of Manchester, UK

              Application Closing Date: 21st June 2022

The researcher will have an interest in how symbolic AI techniques can improve the trust, certification, and assurance of autonomous and AI systems, and apply creativity to identify research areas, develop new methods and extend the existing research. The successful candidate will be part of a team led by Principal Investigator (PI) Dr Louise Dennis, (University of Manchester; Autonomy and Verification, Department of Computer Science), working as part of a wider consortium within the North-West Partnership for Security and Trust.

We encourage applicants with publications in the following areas:
    o Agent Programming, Automated Reasoning or AI Planning
    o Trustworthy Autonomous Systems
    o Responsible AI
    o Formal Methods and Verification

Enquiries about the vacancy, shortlisting and interviews to Dr. Louise Dennis [ louise.dennis at manchester.ac.uk ].

This activity is related to the North-West Partnership for Security and Trust, a unique partnership between University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, University of Salford and Lancaster  University and GCHQ, a UK government national security agency. The NWPST fosters collaboration across research, innovation, skills development, and public engagement, to produce new knowledge to benefit national prosperity and societal understanding of issues relevant to national security.

Salary: £33,309 to £40,927 or £37,467 to £51,799 per annum, depending on relevant experience.

Employment type: Fixed Term until 31 March 2025

Job reference: SAE-019160
Job details and application route:

Autonomy and Verification group:

Department of Computer Science: https://www.cs.manchester.ac.uk
University of Manchester: https://www.manchester.ac.uk/discover

Dr. Louise Dennis (She/Her), https://personalpages.manchester.ac.uk/staff/louise.dennis/
Room 2.111 Kilburn, Department of Computer Science, University of  Manchester, UK.
Schedule a meeting with me (not guaranteed face-to-face) at  https://calendly.com/louise-dennis 
While I may send emails outside of office hours I do not expect replies except within office hours.

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