[agents] GamaDays 2022 Deadline extension (May 25)

Nicolas Marilleau nicolas.marilleau at ird.fr
Tue May 17 14:41:43 EDT 2022

GAMA Days 2022 Workshop

Submission Deadline: May 25st, 2021

June 22 to 24, 2022 (free registration, online event).

https://gama-platform.org/Gama-Days-2022/ <https://gama-platform.org/Gama-Days-2022/>

Building on last year’s success, the GAMA Days 2022 is the 2nd conference, where users and developers of the GAMA modelling and simulation platform will have an opportunity to meet, present their work, expose their difficulties, propose enhancements and, more generally, exchange and collaborate on exciting topics related to GAMA!


GAMA, Multi-agent systems, model, Simulation, Complex systems, model coupling
Abstract submission

GAMA Days 2022 seeks submissions of abstracts that:

  presents a new feature for GAMA, or

  presents a model that uses GAMA.

Additionally, presenters can choose, whether they want to:

                    give a (live) demo of a GAMA feature or model in a virtual demo booth after the talk.

Please refer to the website for details on the submission: https://gama-platform.org/Gama-Days-2022/submit/ <http://gama-platform.org/Gama-Days-2022/submit/>. At least one of the authors of each submission is required to register, attend, and present at the conference.

Important dates

  Abstract submission deadline: 10. May, 2022 25. May, 2022

  Notification of acceptance: 24. May, 2022 6 . June, 2022

  Conference: 22. - 24. June, 2022

Peer-review and publication

The program committee will review all submissions and decide, whether a contribution is accepted for a talk, accepted for an elevator pitch, or rejected.

All accepted abstracts will be published on the HAL open archive. Accepted contributions will further be invited to submit short or full papers to a special issue. The deadline will be after the conference, around September 2022. More detailed information will follow.

The event will be hosted by UMMISCO <http://www.ummisco.fr/> and Z_GIS (Dept. of Geoinformatics, Univ. Salzburg) <https://www.plus.ac.at/geoinformatik/?lang=en>. 

Nicolas Marilleau
Chercheur invité Femto-st

Institut de Recherche pour le Développement 
32 avenue Henri Varagnat
93143 Bondy 
Fixe : 0148027901
Mobile: 0688334906

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