[agents] Qual2Rule seminar - 03 May 2022, 13:00 CET - Zoom link

Melania Borit melania.borit at uit.no
Wed Apr 27 04:29:15 EDT 2022

***Apologies for cross-posting.***

Dear all,

The next Qual2Rule seminar will take place on Tuesday the 3rd of May 09:30-11:00 CET, as part of the Social Simulation Festival 2022. The guest speakers for this panel discussion are: Alex Smajgl (Mekong Region Futures Institute), Patrycja Antosz (NORCE Norwegian Research Centre), and Sara Mehryar (London School of Economics). In order to receive the Zoom link for the seminar, you have first to register for the Festival; you can do it here: https://www.socsimfest.eu/related/ .

For those of you who have not done it already, if you want to attend the sessions of the Qual2Rule Seminar Series organised by the ESSA SIG "Using qualitative data to inform behavioural rules in agent-based modelling", please register here (this is not necessary if you have done it before): https://forms.gle/Nn5UtYNNWUW7JVaG7 .

Upcoming Qual2Rule seminars (2022):

May 3rd - session in Social Simulation Festival 2022

June 7th, 13:00 CET - Igor Nikolic, Delft University of technology, title to be announced

July & August - no seminar because of holiday time

September 6th, 13:00 CET - Jakub Bijak et al, University of Southampton, UK, "Capturing the complexity of human migration: Towards an interdisciplinary model-building process"

October-December - to be announced

Previous seminars can be found here: http://cfpm.org/qual2rule/

Looking forward to seeing you next week!

All the best,

Melania Borit, Juan Ocampo, and Bruce Edmonds.

Melania Borit, Ph.D.

Associate professor,
Leader Research Group CRAFT<https://uit.no/research/craft> - Knowledge Integration and Blue Futures
Co-organizer ESSA SIG Qual2Rule<https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=http-3A__cfpm.org_qual2rule_&d=DwMF-g&c=XYzUhXBD2cD-CornpT4QE19xOJBbRy-TBPLK0X9U2o8&r=w1PSIDIqur8dWeLC2EFrXa5HHZkSt95aSBVMksG9YvY&m=tVwRepILk0rdtacEx-m3kE_4SWlxkyX3v6vNTYFpRqc&s=hY2y8Xp6exFdEuIMw-mzDmZXolTFS2wHicJYDC8GK2o&e=>

Norwegian College of Fishery Science,
Faculty of Biosciences, Fisheries and Economics,
UiT The Arctic University of Norway (University of Tromsø),
Tromsø, Norway.

E-mail: melania.borit at uit.no<mailto:melania.borit at uit.no>
Web: uit.no/melania.borit<http://uit.no/ansatte/organisasjon/ansatte/person?p_document_id=139029&p_dimension_id=88166>

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