[agents] Last (CALL) 10 days only : Springer(LNCS)(Blended mode of presentation - for online presentation registration FEES is 150€):14th International Symposium on Software Engineering Processes and Applications

Sanjay Misra sanjay.misra at covenantuniversity.edu.ng
Wed Apr 6 03:53:33 EDT 2022

SEPA 2022 : 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering Processes
and Applications(Springer-LNCS)[image: Facebook]
Link: https://sites.google.com/view/ssepa/home

When Jul 4, 2022 - Jul 7, 2022
Where Malaga, Spain
Submission Deadline Apr 17, 2022
Notification Due May 10, 2022
Final Version Due May 20, 2022
*Categories* <http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/allcat>    software
<http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/call?conference=software>   software
<http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/call?conference=software%20applications>   advanced
<http://www.wikicfp.com/cfp/call?conference=advanced%20applications>   software

Call For Papers

SEPA 2022: 14th International Symposium on Software Engineering Processes
and Applications
Publisher- Springer LNCS, Special issues- in Several SCIE/SCOPUS Indexed

The conference is planned to be organized in Blended form (physical
presentation and online presentations).

The accepted papers will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science
by Springer

Following the grand success of SEPA 2021(BLENDED MODE) and SEPA
2020(Online), SEPA 2019 (in Saint Petersburg, Russia), SEPA 2018(In
Melbourne, Australia), SEPA 2017(in Trieste, Italy), SEPA 2016 (in Beijing,
China), SEPA 2015 (in Banff, Canada),
SEPA 2014 (in Guimaraes, Portugal), SEPA 2013 (in Ho Chi Ming, Vietnam),
SEPA 2012 (in Salvador, Brazil), SEPA 2011 (in Santander, Spain), SEPA 2010
(in Fukuoka, Japan), SEPA 2009 (in Sowon, Korea), SEPA 2022 (in conjunction
with ICCSA 2022) is scheduled to be held during July 4 - 7, 2022 in
collaboration with the University of Malaga, Spain.

Submission deadline: April 17, 2022

About the Workshop and Topics

Software Engineering Processes and Applications (SEPA: 2022) is aimed to
provide a forum to scientists/researchers/engineers/practitioners and
academicians to share their ideas,
experiences and research in the field of software engineering processes and
applications. SEPA 2022 covers all the frontier issues and trends in the
modern software development processes. It includes process models, the
development processes for different software platforms (e.g. social
networks, cloud), a process for adaptive, dependable, embedded, systems,
agile development, software engineering practices, requirements, system,
and design engineering including architectural design, component-level
design, formal methods, software modeling, testing strategies, and tactics,
process and product metrics, Web Engineering, project management, risk
management, and configuration management. SEPA also considers papers for
the development process of the software/software systems(including AI-based
systems) in application areas e.g. agriculture, aviation industry,
business, cyber-crime, education, government, military, etc.

SEPA invites you to submit theme papers that describe original and
significant contributions in all the above-mentioned areas of software
engineering processes. The paper submitted to SEPA 2022 must not be
submitted elsewhere either in conference or journal and should be 12 - 16
pages (LNCS style). Papers selected after peer review will be included in
the Lecture Notes in Computer Science published by Springer (only after
completing the registration) and presented online.


All contributions will be reviewed by international program committee
members and judged on their quality and relevance. The accepted papers for
SEPA 2022 will be published in Lecture Notes in Computer Science as a book
series of Computational Science and Its Applications: ICCSA. Please note
that one of the authors of the accepted paper must be registered and
supposed to present the paper at the conference (virtual presentation is
allowed for authors who cannot attend the conference). The extended version
of selected papers will also, be invited for publication in several
journals (All Web of Science and SCOPUS indexed journals) including best
papers in SCIE indexed journal*.

*A special issue of an SCIE Journal- Information Technology And Controls is
for best papers of the software engineering symposiums(SEPA & ISSQ) and
workshop(TTSDP)@ICCSA 2022).


Please submit your paper through ICCSA 2022 conference website.
Submission site: http://ess.iccsa.org/cgi-bin/login.py

while submitting to the conference site, please select the track of your
submission "14th International Symposium on Software Engineering
Processes and Applications (SEPA 2022)".

December 28, 2021: Start of Abstract and Paper submission
April 17, 2022: Deadline for abstract and paper submission
May 10, 2022: Notification of submissions
May 20, 2022: Submission deadline for the final version of the Proceeding
Paper (hard deadline)
May 20, 2022: Registration ends (hard deadline)
July 4-7, 2022: ICCSA 2022 Conference in Malaga, Spain

International Program Committee

Organizing Chair (Contact)

Prof. Sanjay Misra
Østfold University College, Halden, Norway
ssopam at gmail.com

Programme Committee Chair

Prof. Ricardo Colomo-Palacios
Computer Science and Communication Department
Østfold University College, Norway
rcolomo at gmail.com

International Programme Committee Members

Raj Kumar Buyya, University of Melbourne, Australia
Mario Fusani, National Research Council of Italy
Daniel Rodríguez, University of Alcalá, Spain
Robertas Damasevicius, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Reda Alhajj, University of Calgary, Canada
Emilia Mendes, Blekinge Institute of Technology, Sweden
Vahid Garousi, Queen's University Belfast, UK
Broderick Crawford, Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Valparaiso, PUCV,
Michel dos Santos Soares, Federal University of Sergipe, Brazil
V. B. Singh, JNU, Delhi, India
José Alfonso Aguilar,Universidad Autónoma de Sinaloa, Maxico
Ricardo Soto, Pontificia Universidad Catolica De Valparaiso,Chile
Eduardo Guerra, National Institute of space research, Sao Jose, Brazil
Murat Koyuncu, Atilim University, Turkey
Rytis Maskeliunas, Kaunas University of Technology, Lithuania
Tolga Pustali, Cankaya University, Turkey
Matthew O. Adigun, University of Zululand, South Africa
Cristina Casado Lumbreras, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Ibrahim Akman, Atilim University, Ankara, Turkey
Marco Crasso, UNICEN University, Argentina
Markus Holopainen, University of Helsinki, Finland
Takashi Michikawa, Research Center for Advanced Science and Technology
(RCAST), Japan
Cristian Mateos, UNICEN University, Argentina
Pham Quoc Trung, HCMC University of Technology, HCMC, Vietnam
Alejandro Zunino, UNICEN University, Argentina
Eudisley Anjos, Federal University of Paraiba (UFPB) – Brazil
Ravin Ahuja, University Of Delhi, India
Rinkaj Goyal, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, India
Hector Florez, Ph.D. Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas,
Jeong Ah Kim. Catholic Kwandong University, Gangneun, Korea
Adewole Adewumi, Algonquin College, Canada
Matthew Adigun, University of Zululand, South Africa
Luis Fernandez Sanz, Universidad de Alcala, Spain
Sanjay Misra

Most Productive(No 1) Researcher in Nigeria (https://t.co/fBYnVxbmiL)-All
Disciplines(2015-2021),No 2 in Whole Africa(in CS)

(Researchgate <https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Sanjay_Misra2>,
Researcherid <http://www.researcherid.com/rid/K-2203-2014>:K-2203-2014, DBLP
<http://dblp.uni-trier.de/pers/hd/m/Misra:Sanjay>, Google Scholar
<https://scholar.google.com/citations?user=AFjvjTgAAAAJ&hl=en>, Scopus

Call For Papers - All Scopus, Web of Science and CORE Indexed

1. Springer(LNCS):14th International Symposium on Software Engineering
Processes and Applications (SEPA)-2022 (Publication in LNCS by Springer):


2. Springer(LNCS): 13th International Symposium Software Quality-
(ISSQ)-2022-Publish in LNCS by Springer


3. IEEE(Xplore) 14th Int Workshop on Tools and techniques in Software
Development Processes (TTSDP)- 2022(Publication in IEEE Xplore ):


Deadline- 28.02.2022 Submission: ess.iccsa.org  *(Don't forget to select
the right session)*

Editor in Chief- (Call for Papers and book proposals)-
1. International Journal of Human Capital and Information Technology
 (Clarivate Analytics(Web of Science), SCOPUS)
2. Advances in IT Personnel and Project Management
 (Clarivate Analytics(Web of Science), SCOPUS)
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