[agents] CFP Special Issue: Humans and Autonomous Entities in Sustainable Intelligent Transportation Solutions

Stéphane Galland stephane.galland at utbm.fr
Mon Mar 21 04:37:28 EDT 2022

[Apologizes for multiple receives]

Dear colleagues.

Please find in attachment a Call for papers of a Special Issue of
the Journal on Automous Intelligent System (AIS) on the topic "Humans
and Autonomous Entities in Sustainable Intelligent Transportation

The due date of the papers is fixed at the end of May 2022 for a
publication at the end of August 2022.

All the best.


			Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées

			CIAD UMR 7533
			Prof. Dr. Stéphane GALLAND

			Full Professor of Computer Science and Multiagent Systems

			Deputy Director of CIAD

			French Head of ARFITEC ARF-17-11 & ARF-19-11 "Energy, Transport, Industry, Challenges for tomorrow"

			Senior member of the Multiagent Group

			Member of AFIA
			Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard - UBFC

			13, rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg

			90010 Belfort Cedex, FRANCE
			CIAD Lab: www.ciad-lab.fr

			Web: www.ciad-lab.fr/author-10836

			Phone: +33 384 583 418 (work office)


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