geoff at cs.miami.edu
geoff at cs.miami.edu
Fri Mar 4 09:44:37 EST 2022
-- co-located with FLoC/IJCAR 2022 --
August 11-12, 2022, Haifa, Israel
Web site: https://paar2022.github.io/
Submission link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=paar2022
Abstract registration deadline: April 19, 2022
Submission deadline: April 26, 2022
** Description **
The automation of logical reasoning is a challenge that has been
studied intensively in fields including mathematics, philosophy, and
computer science. PAAR is the workshop on turning this theory into
practice: how can automated reasoning tools be built that work and are
useful in applications? PAAR covers all aspects of this challenge:
which theories, logics, or fragments are well-behaved in practice, and
connect well to application domains? which reasoning tasks are
tractable and useful? which algorithms are able to solve real-world
instances? how should automated reasoning tools be designed,
implemented, tested, and evaluated?
The goal of PAAR is to bring together theoreticians, tool developers,
and users, to concentrate on the practical aspects of automated
reasoning. The workshop welcomes high-quality contributions of any
kind, including new research results, presentation of work in
progress, presentation of new tools, new implementation techniques,
new application domains, or case studies.
PAAR 2022 will host the meeting of the working group on Automated
Theorem Provers of the EuroProofNet COST action
(https://europroofnet.github.io/). Every workshop participant is
welcome to attend.
** Submission Guidelines **
Researchers interested in participating are invited to submit either
an extended abstract (up to 8 pages) or a regular paper (up to 15
pages), excluding references, via EasyChair at
https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=paar2022. Submissions will be
refereed by the program committee, which will select a balanced
program of high-quality contributions. Short submissions that could
stimulate fruitful discussion at the workshop are particularly welcome.
Submissions should be prepared in LaTeX using the EasyChair
proceedings style. The package containing the class file and its user
guide and some helper tools can be downloaded from
** SCOPE **
Topics include, but are not limited to:
* automated reasoning in propositional, first-order, higher-order, and
non-classical logics;
* implementation of provers (SAT, SMT, resolution, superposition, tableau,
instantiation-based, rewriting, logical frameworks, etc.);
* automated reasoning tools for all kinds of practical problems and
* pragmatics of automated reasoning within proof assistants;
* practical experiences, usability aspects, feasibility studies;
* evaluation of implementation techniques and automated reasoning tools;
* performance aspects, benchmarking approaches; non-standard approaches to
automated reasoning, non-standard forms of automated reasoning, new
* implementation techniques, optimisation techniques, machine learning,
strategies and heuristics, fairness;
* tools or methods that support prover development;
* system descriptions and demos.
** Programme Committee **
* Boris Konev, University of Liverpool, UK (PC co-chair)
* Claudia Schon, University of Koblenz-Landau, DE (PC co-chair)
* Alexander Steen, University of Greifswald, DE (PC co-chair)
* Simon Cruanes, Imandra, US
* Hans de Nivelle, Nazarbayev University, KZ
* Gabriel Ebner, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL
* Pascal Fontaine, Université de Liège, BE
* Ulrich Furbach, University of Koblenz, DE
* Cezary Kaliszyk, University of Innsbruck, AT
* Daniel Le Berre, CNRS - Université d'Artois, FR
* Ondrej Lengal, Brno University of Technology, CZ
* Tomer Libal, American University of Paris, FR and University of Luxembourg, LU
* Cláudia Nalon, University of BrasÃlia, BR
* Jens Otten, University of Oslo, NO
* Philipp Ruemmer, Uppsala University, SE
* Renate A. Schmidt, The University of Manchester, UK
* Stephan Schulz, DHBW Stuttgart, DE
* Mihaela Sighireanu, ENS Paris-Saclay and CNRS, FR
* Frieder Stolzenburg, Harz University of Applied Sciences, DE
* Martin Suda, Czech Technical University in Prague, CZ
* Sophie Tourret, Inria and MPI for Informatics, DE
* Petar VukmiroviÄ, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, NL
* Sarah Winkler, Free University of Bolzano-Bozen, IT
* Aleksandar ZeljiÄ, Stanford University, US
** Publication **
PAAR proceedings will be published electronically in the CEUR workshop
** Venue **
FLoC 2022 at Haifa, Israel
** Important dates **
* Abstract submission: April 19, 2022
* Paper submission: April 26, 2022
* Workshop: August 11 - August 12, 2022
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