[agents] [CFP] 2nd International Workshop on Self-Learning in Intelligent Environments (SeLIE22)

Patrizia Ribino patrizia.ribino at icar.cnr.it
Fri Feb 11 05:25:25 EST 2022

Apologize for any cross-posting


2nd International Workshop on Self-Learning in Intelligent Environments (SeLIE22)
Biarritz, France, 20 - 21 June 2022
(https://selie22.na.icar.cnr.it/ <https://selie22.na.icar.cnr.it/> )
Co-located with 18th International Conference on Intelligent Environments (IE2022)
Biarritz, France, 20 - 23 June 2022
(https://ie2022.iutbayonne.univ-pau.fr/ <https://ie2022.iutbayonne.univ-pau.fr/> )

* Conference Scope

Self-learning systems are artificial agents able to acquire and renew knowledge over time by themselves, without any hard coding. These are adaptive systems whose functions improve by a learning process based -typically- on the method of trial and error. A self-learning system interacts with its users or surrounding environment initially by attempts and observes the changes produced by its actions. This workshop will focus on the design, implementation and exploitation of self-learning features either within an Intelligent Environment as a whole or within some of its components. The workshop will represent an opportunity for both academia and industry to debate the state-of-the-art, challenges and open issues.

* Important Dates:

   - Submission Deadline: 28th February 2022
   - Notification to Authors: 4th April 2022
   - Camera Ready Deadline: 18th April 2022
   - Workshop dates: Jun 20 - Jun 21 2022

* Paper Publication

All papers accepted in the Workshops program will be published as a volume of the Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments Series of IOS Press and electronically available through ACM Digital Library (pending approval). The proceedings will be ISI indexed.

* General Chairs
Antonio Coronato, Self-Learning and Self-Adaptive Group (ICAR-CNR), Italy
Ayşegül UÇAR, Firat University Elazig, Turkey

 * Program Chair
Patrizia Ribino, Self-Learning and Self-Adaptive Group (ICAR-CNR), Italy

Patrizia Ribino, Ricercatore
Istituto di CAlcolo e Reti ad alte prestazioni
Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (ICAR-CNR)
Via Ugo La malfa, 153 - 90146 Palermo - Italy
Tel: +39 091 8031083
Cell: 339 4235281
mail: patrizia.ribino at icar.cnr.it
	 patrizia.ribino at cnr.it
web: www.pa.icar.cnr.it/ribino

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