[agents] [meetings] Call for Papers - 10th ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics (PlanRob 2022)

AndreA Orlandini andrea.orlandini at istc.cnr.it
Thu Feb 10 16:09:06 EST 2022

Apologies for multiple messages

                                ** CALL FOR PAPERS **

           Tenth ICAPS Workshop on Planning and Robotics
                                  (PlanRob‚ 2022)


                             ICAPS 2022 Workshop

 June 20-21, 2022

Topics and Objectives

AI Planning & Scheduling (P&S) methods are key to enabling intelligent 
robots to perform autonomous, flexible, and interactive behaviours. 
Researchers in the P&S community have continued to develop approaches 
and produce planners, representations, as well as heuristics that 
robotics researchers can make use of. However, there remain numerous 
challenges complicating the uptake, use and successful integration of 
P&S technology in robotics, many of which have been addressed by 
robotics researchers with novel solutions. Strong collaboration and 
synergy between researchers in both communities is vital to the 
continued growth of the fields in a way that provide mutual benefits to 
the two communities. To foster this, the PlanRob workshop aims to 
provide a stable, long-term forum (having been held annually at ICAPS 
since 2013) where researchers from both the P&S and Robotics communities 
can openly discuss relevant issues, research and development progress, 
future directions and open challenges related to P&S when applied to 
Robotics. In addition to the usual paper submissions, the workshop’s 
format naturally lends itself to preliminary results, position papers as 
well as to work focused on challenges in using and integrating planners 
in robotics systems.

To celebrate the tenth edition on this workshop at ICAPS, a special 
session will be organised to revive the past PlanRob editions, analyse 
the state of the art and discuss the future scenarios. Chairs are also 
planning for a thematic special issue on a relevant international journal.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to) the following:

- real-world planning applications for autonomous and intelligent robots;
- optimising behaviour in large scale automated or semi-automated systems;
- integrated planning and execution in robotic architectures;
- planning domain representations for robotics applications;
- P&S methods for optimisation and adaptation in robotics;
- mission, path, and motion planning for robots;
- planning and coordination methods for multi-robot teams;
- mixed-initiative planning and sliding autonomy for robotic systems;
- human-aware planning and execution in human-robot interaction;
- adversarial action planning in competitive robotic domains;
- formal methods for robot planning and control;
- challenges and solutions in using P&S technology in robotics;
- open problems for P&S in robotics,
- benchmark planning domains for robots.

Important Dates

Paper submission: March 18, 2022
Notification of acceptance: April 15, 2022
Camera-ready version due: June 10, 2022
Workshop Date: June 20-21, 2022

The reference time-zone for all deadlines is UTC-12: Your submissions 
will be on time so long as there is still some place in the world where 
the deadline has not yet passed.


There are two types of submissions: short position papers and regular 
papers. Position papers are a maximum of four pages long while regular 
papers may be up to ten pages long. Papers may have an additional page 
containing references. Regular papers may be scheduled with more time in 
the final program. A poster session may be considered to provide a 
further presentation opportunity.

The guidelines for formatting are the same as is used for ICAPS 2022 
papers (typeset in the AAAI style as described at: 
http://www.aaai.org/Publications/Author/author.php), but with the AAAI 
copyright removed. The papers must be submitted in PDF format via the 
EasyChair system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=planrob2022).

Please note that papers under review (e.g. which have been submitted to 
IJCAI-2022) are also welcome, however, in order to avoid potential 
conflicts, these manuscripts should be prepared as anonymous submissions 
for a double blind reviewing process.

Accepted papers will be published on the workshop’s website.

The organisers are investigating the availability of journal editors in 
order to invite a selection of accepted papers from the workshop to a 
special issue or post-proceedings volume.


Iman Awaad
Hochschule Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Alberto Finzi
Università di Napoli "Federico II", Italy

AndreA Orlandini

Institute of Cognitive Sciences and Technologies (ISTC-CNR), Italy

AndreA Orlandini PhD

  National Research Council of Italy
  Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology
  Phone:  +39-06-44595-223E-mail:andrea.orlandini at istc.cnr.it
  Fax:    +39-06-44595-243      Url:http://www.istc.cnr.it/group/pst

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