[agents] Post-doc position at the University of Edinburgh on Making Autonomous Systems Answerable

Nadin KOKCIYAN nadin.kokciyan at ed.ac.uk
Mon Jan 17 08:53:52 EST 2022

Hi All,

We are recruiting one post-doctoral researcher to work with Dr Nadin Kokciyan and Prof Michael Rovatsos at the School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh.

The successful candidate will work on the project titled 'Making Systems Answer: Dialogical Design as a Bridge for Responsibility Gaps in Trustworthy Autonomous Systems' within the UKRI Trustworthy Autonomous Systems Programme. This is an exciting opportunity to work in a multidisciplinary project with AI, philosophy, ethics, and social science researchers that aims develop a new approach to make AI systems answerable to people despite their inability to assume responsibility for their actions in the same way humans do.

We will focus on the development of new techniques and tools for making autonomous systems (AS) more answerable and bridging responsibility gaps. A theoretical framework with perspectives on responsibility as answerability will be introduced in other workstreams of the project. This framework will guide the design of the answerability-enhancing tool to be developed as part of the project. The post-holder will be designing and developing technological tools that support the dialogical process human stakeholders engage in when resolving responsibility gaps; and exploring technical requirements for AS to be able to provide the answers required of them in the process of dialogical responsibility gap resolution.

The post-holder will be expected to: (i) design a formal representation language to develop argumentation schemes for responsibility to support answerability; (ii) design a computational framework that will include a mediator agent that facilitates communication among stakeholders and guides the process with relevant questions and answers at appropriate points; (iii) implement the computational framework as a web-based dialogical platform, which will support stakeholders in putting forward their arguments in a structured manner using constructs provided by the platform.

Duration: 24 months
Start date: no later than June 2022
Application link: https://edin.ac/3GDzc1M (apply by 04/Feb/2022)

Informal enquiries should be directed to Dr Nadin Kokciyan (nadin.kokciyan at ed.ac.uk).


Nadin Kokciyan

Lecturer in Artificial Intelligence

IF-2.10, School of Informatics, University of Edinburgh

The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336. Is e buidheann carthannais a th' ann an Oilthigh Dhùn Èideann, clàraichte an Alba, àireamh clàraidh SC005336.
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