[agents] CFP IEEE ICC 2022 - NGNI

Scott Fowler scott_fowler at ymail.com
Sun Oct 24 06:48:00 EDT 2021

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There havebeen unprecedented advances in developing technologies to enable the nextgeneration networks, which will seamlessly integrate the computing equipmentwith networking to provide the computing-harvesting next generation services.Thanks to the huge enhancement of computing processor and interfacearchitectures, communication networks can now handle network functionsimplemented as virtualized machines making large use of software elements.Communication devices can now host very advanced applications, and data centerscan be pervasively distributed down to network access points. Networks,applications and clouds control layers can so leverage on advanceddecision-making solutions to target full automation in Internet andnext-generation service delivery. In addition, quantum Internet is emergingwith vast amount of computing power, which opens new possibilities. This trendalso greatly affects next-generation broadband wireless networks, such asspectrum efficiency, energy efficiency, and mobility management. The NGNIsymposium welcomes original research work in technical areas focusing on theinnovations on next-generation networks.




TheNext-Generation Networking and Internet (NGNI) Symposium seeks originalcontributions in the following topical areas, plus others that are notexplicitly listed but are closely related to: 

·        Addressing and naming with the presence of mobilityand portability 

·        Centralized-RAN, Cloud-RAN, and Fog-RAN architectures 

·        Cloud-based and fog-based networking 

·        Content-centric networking and named data network 

·        Converged networks and applications 

·        Data center network architectures and performance 

·        Future Internet and next-generation networkingarchitectures 

·        Energy-efficient green communications 

·        Heterogeneous multi-layer and multi-domainwireless-wireline internetworking 

·        High speed and parallel processing architectures fornext generation routers and switches 

·        Intent-based network control and management 

·        Internet economics, pricing, accounting, and growthmodelling 

·        Internet of Things (IoT), M2M, D2D, MTC 

·        Internet survivability and network resiliencestrategies 

·        Integrated networking, storage and computing 

·        Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC) and Mobile Edge Computing(MEC) 

·        Mobile security: device, application, and data 

·        Networked flying vehicles such as UAVs and drones 

·        Next-generation access networks 

·        Next-generation anomaly, intrusion, and attackdetection/prevention 

·        Next-generation flow management: resource sharing,congestion control 

·        Next-generation Internet applications and service 

·        Next-generation networking protocols 

·        Next-generation network management and control 

·        Open communities, open API, open source 

·        Operational and research issues with IPv6 

·        Overlay and peer-to-peer (P2P) networking 

·        Packetclassification and forwarding mechanisms at ultra-high link rates (terabits) 

·        Quality of Service (QoS) and Quality of Experience(QoE) in next-generation networks 

·        Quantum Internet 

·        Resource orchestration in next-generation networks 

·        Routing and switching 

·        Self-protection and self-organization networking 

·        Software defined networking (SDN) and network,Software Defined Radio (SDR), and Network Function Virtualization (NFV)

·        Traffic measurement, analysis, modelling,visualization, and engineering 

·        Vehicular networking (IoV/V2V/V2I/V2X) 



Deadline forpaper submission: 11 October 2021 31 October 2021

Date fornotification: 18 January 2022 

Deadline forfinal paper submission: 15 February 2022



ScottFowler, Linköping University, Sweden, email: scott.fowler at liu.se

PietroManzoni, Universitat Politecnica de Valencia, Spain, email: pmanzoni at disca.upv.es

ShariefOteafy, DePaul University, USA, email: SOTEAFY at depaul.edu

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