[agents] [CFP] Call for Demos and Posters (Middleware 2021)

Li Ruidong ruidongli at gmail.com
Sat Sep 18 09:37:21 EDT 2021

*Middleware 2021 Call for Demos and Posters*

Middleware 2021 will provide a forum for live software demonstrations of
middleware applications, systems, and tools. Demos could take a wide and
open-ended variety of forms. Typical examples include: (i) presentation of
an application that leverages advanced middleware concepts, (ii) working
through coding of an example on a novel middleware platform, or (iii)
real-time visualizations of middleware system metrics under simulated
workloads. Although the form may vary, demo presenters should take
advantage of not being constrained by the format of a traditional slide
presentation. Demos are encouraged for both early prototypes and mature

Posters will provide an opportunity for conference attendees to learn about
innovative work in progress and to preview late-breaking research results.
Poster sessions will provide an informal setting for presenters to
communicate ideas & results, as well as to collect feedback from attendees.

Demo or poster contributions are solicited in all areas of middleware
research and applications. For a list of applicable topics, please consider
the full list of them in the call for papers of the main conference.

Submission: Friday, October 1, 2021
Notification: Friday, October 15, 2021
Camera Ready Deadline: Monday, November 1, 2021
Submit your posters and demos through HotCRP. Detailed instructions for
posters papers and demos submissions are listed below.

The authors of accepted demos and posters must prepare a single slide that
provides an overview of their work which will be presented during the
"1-minute madness" session that precedes the demo and poster session.

Accepted Demos and Posters papers will be included in the Middleware 2021
conference proceedings that will be published in the ACM Digital Library.
The official publication date will be the date the proceedings are made
available in the ACM Digital Library, which may be up to two weeks prior to
the first day of the Middleware conference. Note that the official
publication date affects the deadline for any patent filings related to
published work.

Submissions describing live demos should be at most 3 pages PDF using the
ACM SIGPLAN style, which can be found on the ACM template page. The font
size has to be set to 10pt. The first two pages will include a description
of the demo that will be included in the Middleware proceedings. The last
page will outline aspects of the demo that will be considered during
evaluation, but will not appear in the proceedings.

Pages 1 and 2 should include the following:
Title of the demo (including beginning with "Demo Abstract:"),
Authors, affiliation, and contact information,
Description of the problems addressed,
Research and technical approach,
Related work with bibliography.
Page 3 should contain any additional information that will be used only to
evaluate your demonstration proposal: it will not be part of the
proceedings. For example, you may detail what you will show during the
demo, provide links to additional online material related to your demo,
e.g., videos, etc. You may also use this space to outline any special
requirements you will have for the demonstration, e.g., unusual space
needs, exclusive access to a wireless channel, etc. The format of this page
is at your discretion.

Submissions describing posters should be at most 2 pages PDF using the ACM
SIGPLAN style, which can be found on the ACM template page. The font size
has to be set to 10pt.

The submission should include:
Title of the poster (beginning with "Poster Abstract:"),
Authors, affiliation, and contact information,
Description of the problems addressed,
Research and technical approach,
Any preliminary results,
Related work with bibliography.

Demo and Poster chairs:
Paolo Bellavista, University of Bologna, Italy: paolo.bellavista at unibo.it
Ruidong Li, Kanazawa University, Japan: lrd at se.kanazawa-u.ac.jp

For the camera-ready instructions, please visit the camera-ready
instructions page.
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