[agents] 2nd CFP: Distributed AI 2021 (Submission Deadline 20 Sep 2021)

Dengji Zhao dengji.zhao at gmail.com
Thu Sep 9 02:19:11 EDT 2021

2nd Call for Papers: DAI 2021

The Third International Conference on Distributed Artificial Intelligence

Venue: Shanghai, China, and Online

We would like to invite you to submit to the 3rd International Distributed
AI (DAI) conference. Please view details below or on the DAI website:

DAI 2021 Website: http://www.adai.ai/dai/2021/2021.html

Submission Link: https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dai2021

Important Dates

Paper Submission: Sep 20, 2021 (23:59 UTC-12)

Author Notification: Oct 31, 2021 (23:59 UTC-12)

Conference Date: Dec 16-18, 2021

Invited Speakers

Craig Boutilier, Google

Bart Selman, Cornell University

Julie Shah, MIT

Adam Tauman Kalai, Microsoft Research


Jérôme Lang, General Co-Chair, Université Paris-Dauphine

Jie Chen, General Co-Chair, Tongji University

Christopher Amato, Program Co-Chair, Northeastern University

Dengji Zhao, Program Co-Chair, ShanghaiTech University


The aim of the Distributed AI (DAI) seeks to bring together researchers and
practitioners in related areas (e.g., general AI, multi-agent systems,
distributed learning, computational game theory) to provide a high-profile,
internationally renowned forum for research in the theory and practice of
distributed AI. The 3rd DAI conference will be located in Shanghai, China
and have a hybrid format to allow virtual and in-person participation.
Except for regular paper submissions, we will also invite some accepted
papers from sister conferences (e.g., AAMAS, AAAI, IJCAI, EC, KDD, ICLR,
ICML, NeurIPS) to present at the conference. Besides the accepted paper
sessions, we will also have high-quality workshops, tutorials, and industry

Topics of Interest

The conference solicits papers addressing original research on distributed
Artificial Intelligence. Topics of interest include (but are not limited
to) the following:

Agent Cooperation:

-Biologically-inspired approaches and methods

-Collective intelligence

-Distributed problem solving

-Teamwork, team formation, teamwork analysis

-Coalition formation (non-strategic)

-Multi-robot systems

-Federated learning

-Distributed learning systems

Humans and Agents:

-Human-robot/agent interaction

-Multi-user/multi-virtual-agent interaction

-Agents competing against humans

-Agent-based analysis of human interactions

-Agents for improving human cooperative activities

Single/Multi-agent Learning:

-Reward structures for learning

-Multi-agent learning

-Reinforcement learning

-Deep learning

-Adversarial machine learning

Computational Game Theory:

-Complexity of algorithms for games

-Practical algorithms for games

-Behavioral models of games

-Security games

Economics and Computation:

-Auctions and mechanism design

-Market design and applications

-Social choice theory

-Game theory for practical applications

-Economics of blockchain systems

Submission Guidelines

*"The paper length is limited to 12 pages (excluding references)."* Authors
may use as many pages of appendices (after the bibliography) as they wish,
but reviewers are not required to read these. Any supplementary material
should be included after the main paper in the same PDF file. Please note
that the reviewers are not required to read this extra material when
assessing the paper. The DAI 2021 review process is DOUBLE-BLIND. Please
make sure that the submission does not disclose the authors' identities or

To prepare your submission to DAI 2021, please use the LaTeX style files
provided at: http://www.adai.ai/dai/2021/paper/llncs2e.zip

All work must be original, i.e., it must not have appeared in conference
proceedings, book, or journal and may not be under review for another
archival conference. At least one of the authors of each paper is required
to register, attend, and present (virtually or in-person) the paper at the


Accepted papers will appear in LNCS proceedings and will be widely indexed.

If you have any other questions about DAI 2021, feel free to contact us via
email at dai2021 at easychair.org
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