[agents] 2nd Call for paper: AAMAS 2022 in Auckland, New Zealand

Brian Ravenet brian.ravenet at limsi.fr
Tue Sep 7 05:53:49 EDT 2021

                              * 2nd CALL FOR PAPERS *

            AAMAS-2022: The 21st International Conference on
                Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems
                    Auckland, New Zealand, 9-13 May 2022



We invite you to submit your best work in the area of agents and
multiagent systems to AAMAS-2022, the 21st International Conference on
Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems (AAMAS-2022).

We hope to be able to welcome all of you to Auckland next year, but a
final decision on the conference modality (fully in presence, fully
virtual, hybrid) will be only taken by the end of 2021. In the meantime,
we look forward to your AAMAS-2022 exciting papers!

Please visit the conference website for the full Call for Papers.


We welcome the submission of technical papers describing significant and
original research on all aspects of the theory and practice of
autonomous agents and multiagent systems. Areas of interest include:
Coordination, Organisations, Institutions, and Norms
Markets, Auctions, and Non-Cooperative Game Theory
Social Choice and Cooperative Game Theory
Knowledge Representation, Reasoning, and Planning
Learning and Adaptation
Modelling and Simulation of Societies
Humans and AI / Human-Agent Interaction
Engineering Multiagent Systems
Innovative Applications

AAMAS-2022 will also feature three special tracks, the Blue Sky Ideas
Track, the JAAMAS Track, and the Demo Track, each with a separate Call
for Papers.


Abstract submission: October 1st 2021
Full paper submission: October 8th 2021
Authors rebuttal: November 22nd-25th 2021
Notification: December 20th 2021
Camera Ready submission: January 28th 2022
Tutorials/DC/Workshops: May 9-10, 2022
Main Conference: May 11-13, 2022


If you have any questions please contact the Programme Chairs, Piotr
Faliszewski, AGH University of Science and Technology, Kraków, Poland,
and Viviana Mascardi, University of Genova, Genova, Italy, at
aamas2022.program.chairs at gmail.com.

Brian Ravenet - Maître de Conférences (IUT Orsay)
LISN - Campus Universitaire bâtiment 507 - Bureau 204
Rue du Belvédère
91405 Orsay
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