[agents] Call for Bids to host DEON 2022

Jan Broersen J.M.Broersen at uu.nl
Thu Jul 15 13:11:50 EDT 2021

Call for Bids to host DEON 2022

The DEON steering committee currently solicits bids to host the 2022 
edition of DEON, the 16th International Conference on Deontic logic and 
Normative Systems. The host will work together with PC chairs to 
organize the conference. Proposals should be emailed to 
J.M.Broersen at uu.nl by September 15th, 2021 and should include the 
following information:

- A proposal for a DEON-related theme for the 2022 edition
- The names of the members of the organizing committee
- Possible or intended dates of the conference
- The intended venue, with a description of available rooms and 
facilities and a plan to make the conference hybrid (in between 
in-person and virtual), including recordings
- Plans for additional or co-located events (we invite colocation with 
bigger conferences and summer schools in relevant areas like AI, logic, 
philosophy, linguistics, law, etc.)
- An initial rough budget, including the intended registration fees

Information on previous editions can be found through 

For additional information on any of the above points one can contact 
members of the DEON steering committee (also to be found at 
http://deonticlogic.org) or me.

best regards,

Jan Broersen
Chair of the DEON steering committe

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