[agents] Deadlines Extended - CICEN 2021 Workshop :: Elsevier Procedia Computer Science & JMM Journal Special Issue [Scopus]
Ouaissa Mariyam
ouaissa.mariyam08 at gmail.com
Mon Jul 5 20:00:57 EDT 2021
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*Call for Papers*
*In Conjunction with*
*November 01-04, 2021, Leuven, Belgium*
Artificial Intelligence/Machine Learning (AI/ML) approaches have emerged as
powerful tools that can provide intelligent communication designs while
addressing various problems ranging from signal detection, to channel
modeling, network optimization, resource management, routing, transport
protocol design, and application/user behavior analysis. Furthermore,
AI/ML-based communication designs, and their applications, such as IoT, can
easily leverage the full potential Big Data analytics so as to improve
overall network efficiency. Computational Intelligence approaches have
emerged as powerful tools that can provide intelligent communication
designs and enhance the level of security aspects against cyber-attacks and
malfunctions to improve overall network efficiency.
The main objective of the *International Workshop on Computational
Intelligence and Cybersecurity in Emergent Networks (CICEN’21)* is to bring
together innovative scientists, professors, research scholars, students,
and industrial experts in different fields such as Computing,
Communication, and Cybersecurity to a common forum where they will share
their state-of-the-art research and findings.
All CICEN'21 accepted papers are expected to be published in *Procedia
Computer Science (Elsevier)*. This series is indexed by *SCOPUS.*
Extended versions of high quality accepted papers will be given fast track
opportunity to be published in Jounal of Mobile Multimedia indexed by
*SCOPUS, *based in their target reseach area*.*
Workshop organizers could recommend selected outstanding papers to the main
conference chairs. After further revision, these papers could be considered
for publication in journals special issues.
International Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Humanized Computing
(IF: 1.901), by Springer
International Journal of Computing and Informatics (IF: 0.524), by
Computing & Informatics
International Journal of Transportation Research Part A: Policy
andPractice (IF: 4.371), by Elsevier
International Journal of Computer &Telecommunications Networking (IF:
3.030-Pending), Elsevier
This workshop will include (but will not be limited to) the following
- *Secure Artificial Intelligence in Communication Networks*
- *Security, Privacy and Trust in IoT Networks*
- *Computational Intelligence in Cyber Security*
- *Computational Intelligence Techniques for Cyberspace Intrusion
Detection Systems*
- *AI/ML Approaches for 5G Resource Management*
- *Cognitive Radio based AI-enabled Communication Networks*
- *Machine Learning for Multiple Access in Machine-to-Machine
- *Intelligent Resource Management in Wireless Networks*
- *Computational Intelligence based Network Protocols Architectures*
- *Computational Intelligence Algorithms for QoS and Traffic Management*
- *Mobility and Location Management in Intelligent Environments*
- *Secure and Private Computational Intelligence Algorithm Design and
- *AI-enabled Cloud/Fog/Edge Computing in IoT Networks*
- *Blockchain for 5G and beyond Networks*
- *Blockchain and SDN Technologies*
- *AI-based SDN Technology*
- *Smart IoT Technologies and Systems*
- *Smart Transportation & Smart Vehicles*
- *Technical Challenges and Emerging Opportunities for 5G and beyond*
- *Intelligent Data Analytics in Emerging Systems*
- *AI and IoT Applications*
Authors are invited to submit their full papers by *July 10*, Manuscripts
submitted for the conference must be original, must not be previously
published or currently under review anywhere.
Submitted manuscripts should respect the standard guidelines of the *Procedia
Computer Science* format. Manuscripts must be prepared using Latex, or Word.
*Submission Deadline:* July 10, 2021 (Extended)
*Authors Notification: *August 4, 2021
*Camera-Ready Submission:* September 4, 2021
*Workshop Date:* November 01-04, 2021
Mariyam Ouaissa, Moulay Ismail University Meknes, Morocco
Mariya Ouaissa, Moulay Ismail University Meknes, Morocco
Zakaria Boulouard, Hassan II University, Morocco
Submission System : https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=cicen21
Workshop Link : https://sites.google.com/view/cicen21
For More Information: cicen.wokshop at gmail.com
*Best Regards*
*Dr. OUAISSA Mariyam *
*PhD **Engineer** in Computer Science and **Networks*
Email*:** mariyam.ouaissa at edu.umi.ac.ma <mariyam.ouaissa at edu.umi.ac.ma>*
* ouaissa.mariyam08 at gmail.com <ouaissa.mariyam08 at gmail.com> *
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