[agents] [Deadline: 1 July] 13th IEEE ISCC Workshop - PEDISWESA'21

Ismaeel Al Ridhawi ismaeel.alridhawi at gmail.com
Tue Jun 29 06:38:46 EDT 2021

Call for Papers
The 13th IEEE International Workshop *on **Performance Evaluation of
Communications in Distributed Systems and Web-based Service Architectures*

in conjunction withThe *26th IEEE Symposium on Computers and Communications*

2021 September 5th to 8th - Athens, Greece, September 2021


Scope Objectives

The advancements in distributed systems and web-based architectures have
led to the continuous need for state-of-the-art performance evaluation
mechanisms. The advancements in enabling technologies for the Tactile
Internet have led to an ever more push towards advanced paradigms for
communication performance evaluation. Given that most architectures and
frameworks,  such as the Tactile Internet, are becoming increasingly large
and complex to manage in a centralized manner, numerous challenges need to
be addressed and resolved before such systems become available for use on a
large scale level. The multi-dimensional data incorporated in such complex
systems, in addition to the enforced high-reliability constraints, add more
challenges to the design of these systems. Quantitative analysis can be
very difficult and might be intractable because of the state space
explosion. New methods and tools have recently emerged for these kinds of
complex systems, especially ones that rely on the use of distributed and
intelligent solutions. The incorporation of machine learning has led to not
only an increase in system accuracy but also will speed up the process of
performance evaluation.

This workshop focuses on the performance evaluation of distributed systems
(e.g., edge-based processing, federated learning, and Ad Hoc
communication), as well as web-based service architectures using both
analytical methods and simulation studies. Authors are encouraged to submit
papers presenting new research related to QoS and communication performance
evaluation of these systems. Submitted papers must not have been published
elsewhere nor currently be under review by another conference or journal.
Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

●       Performance, reliability and scalability of Tactile Internet

●       Performance measurement studies for distributed learning systems

●       Quantitative analysis methods for distributed computing and
web-based services.

●       Measurement, analysis, and modeling techniques for decentralized
communication architectures

●       QoS for Web-services architectures.

●       Performance evaluation of Next-Generation Networks.

●       Analysis and evaluation of resource management solutions

●       Performance and reliability of edge and distributed data centers.

●       Small- and large-scale testbed for Tactile Internet and web-based
service applications

●       Simulation and measurement techniques for mobile, vehicular, and
aerial networks

●       Tools and software for performance evaluation of Blockchain

●       Communication performance evaluation of distributed and mobile
PAPER SUBMISSION GUIDELINESAuthors are invited to submit original
contributions that have not been published or submitted for publication
elsewhere. Submitted papers must conform with the A4 IEEE Manuscript
Templates for Conference Proceedings and not exceed 6 pages (including
title, abstract, figures, tables, and references). One additional page may
be added at an additional cost. Papers exceeding 7 pages will not be
accepted. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed. Papers should be
submitted through EDAS: https://edas.info/N28545PROCEEDINGS:

Accepted papers will be included in the ISCC 2021 Proceedings and will be
submitted for inclusion to IEEE Xplore. The ISCC Proceedings have been
indexed in the past by ISI, dblp and Scopus. This makes the ISCC conference
one of the publication venues with very high visibility and impact in both
Computer and Communications areas.
Steering Committee:

   - Lynda Mokdad, University Paris XII, France
   - Jalel Ben-Othman, University of Paris, France

Technical Program Co-Chairs:

   - Safa Otoum, Zayed University, UAE
   - Ismaeel Al Ridhawi, Kuwait College of Science and Technology, Kuwait
   - Nadra Guizani, University of Texas at Arlington, USA

Important Dates

   - Paper submission deadline: *June 15th, 2021  1st of July, 2021*
   - Notification of paper acceptance:  18th of July, 2021
   - Submission of camera-ready papers due: 25th of July, 2021
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