[agents] [CFP] SCML third Newsletter and Call for Participation

Yasser Mohammad yasserfarouk at gmail.com
Tue Jun 15 01:29:23 EDT 2021

SCML Newsletter (June 15th 2021)

This is the *third* SCML newsletter.

SCML <https://scml.cs.brown.edu> is one of the leagues of ANAC 2021
<http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~katfuji/ANAC2021/> one of the official competitions
<https://ijcai-21.org/competitions/> of IJCAI 2021 <https://ijcai-21.org/>.

*Important Request: Please upload your agent as soon as possible*. The
deadline for initial submission is *July 1st*. Teams with no
submissions by *July
5th at 23:59 AoE* cannot run in the official competition.


   We updated the scml-visualizer (v0.2.7)
   <https://www.github.com/yasserfarouk/scml-vis> resolving some bugs and
   adding new visualizations. Please check the updated README
   <https://github.com/yasserfarouk/scml-vis/blob/main/README.md>. *You can
   now visualize negotiations within tournaments and get more statistics in
   the Tables view*.
   2. Our community is still growing:
      - *22* teams have already uploaded early versions of their agents. We
      thank them (compared with *10* two weeks ago!).
      - *5* new registrants on the official website
      <https://scml.cs.brown.edu> in the last two weeks. We are up to *37*
      registrants so far in 2021 (*77* in total).

   The *second* data release with logs from some of the games ran in the
   tournaments conducted so far will be published online *tomorrow*. Please
   check the competition website <https://scml.cs.brown.edu> for the
   4. Please be sure to check each of the following items *before*
   submitting your agent
      - Never use print(). You can save log information for debugging as
      described here
      - Make sure that you do not use any plotting library in your agent
      (e.g. matplotlib, seaborn, plotly).
      - Never open a file for writing. You can read data in your agent’s
      path as described here

   Starting June 3rd, only winners from SCML 2020 participated in the
   tournaments as competitors. The official competition will be conducted the
   same way.

   It may be time to make sure that you are using descriptive names for
   your module and class. It is recommended to make the module name match the
   team name and the class name match the agent name.

   Newer versions of NegMAS (0.8.4 <https://pypi.org/project/negmas/>) and
   SCML (0.4.5 <https://pypi.org/project/scml/>) have been published. If
   you are using pip, upgrading is as simple as running pip install -U
   negmas scml.

      The main feature of SCML 0.4.5 is the addition of before_step() as a
      callback to your agent sent at the *beginning* of every day to
      augment step() sent at the *end* of the day. You can find an example
      of its usage here
      in which we replaced two identical init() and step() implementations
      with a single before_step().

      We modified the tutorials
      to use this new method which simplifies some of the book-keeping. In
      general, you should use step() to look back into what happened in a
      day and use before_step() to prepare for the new day.

      The main difference between step() and before_step() is that the
      former has access to market information and utility function information
      (in OneShot) for the day that *just ended* while the latter has
      access to market information and utility function information
(in OneShot)
      for the day that is *about to start*.

      *Note that before_step() is a convenience function and no new
      information is available to the agent that was not already available.*

      The main feature of NegMAS 0.8.4 is improved support for Genius
      negotiators. If you are using genius negotiators (not recommended),
      remember to run negmas genius-setup again after the upgrade.

*On Behalf of the SCML Organizing Committee*

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