[agents] CFP: The Seventh International Workshop on the Future of the Internet of Things (FIT 2021)

Dr. Tayseer ALkhdour tayseeralkhdour at gmail.com
Wed May 12 09:16:25 EDT 2021

> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> The Seventh  International Workshop on the Future of the Internet of
> Things (FIT 2021)
> will be held in conjunction with
> The 18th International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing
> <http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/mobispc-21/#homePage>
> August 9-12, 2021, Leuven, Belgium
> *https://easychair.org/cfp/FIT2021 <https://easychair.org/cfp/FIT2021>*
> -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Recent advances in wireless technology, micro-elecromechanical systems and
> the internet have enabled the Internet of things (IOT). In IOT, not only
> computers are connected to the internet, any object, animal or people could
> be connected to the internet.  Objects, animals, and people have a unique
> identifier (address). They can transfer data over the internet without
> requiring human-to-computer interaction. The existence of different types
> of objects which are connected through the internet promote many research
> challenges. For example, huge amounts of data are usually generated,
> processed and transferred. Special Internetworking infrastructure may be
> needed. Security and privacy issues become more critical.
> The Seventh  International Workshop on the Future of the Internet of
> Things (FIT 2021) will be held in conjunction with  The 18th
> International Conference on Mobile Systems and Pervasive Computing
> <http://cs-conferences.acadiau.ca/mobispc-21/#homePage> August 9-12,
> 2021, Leuven, Belgium.
> The goal of the FIT2021 is to bring together multi-disciplinary
> researchers, professionals and practitioners from academia and industry who
> are involved in the field of internet of things to discuss recent advances
> and innovative ideas in this field..
> List of Topics
>    - Applications of the Internet of Things.
>    - Standards for an Internet of Things.
>    - Communication systems in the Internet of things.
>    - Network infrastructures in the internet of things.
>    - Internet protocols.
>    - Data processing on the internet of things.
>    - Information management in the internet of things.
>    - Security and Privacy in the Internet of things.
>    - Locating and tracking of objects in internet of things
> Important Dates
>    - *Paper Submission:                       *
>    April 30, 2021
>    - *Acceptance Notification:*                                   May 17,
>    2021
>    - *Final Manuscript Due:*                                       June
>    15, 2021
> Publication
> All FIT2021 accepted papers  will be scheduled for oral presentations and
> will be printed in the conference proceedings published by Elsevier Science
> in the open-access Procedia Computer Science series (on-line).
> Yours
> Dr. Tayseer Alkhdour, Workshop organizer
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