[agents] [jobs] PhD Fellowships at CYENS Centre of Excellence, Cyprus / Deadline: 12 April 2021

Vassilis Vassiliades vassilisvas at gmail.com
Thu Apr 8 04:35:41 EDT 2021

Dear colleagues,

We are accepting applications for doctoral student fellowships at the CYENS
Centre of Excellence <https://www.cyens.org.cy/en-gb/>, located in sunny
Nicosia, Cyprus.

CYENS' Doctoral Training Program
(DTP) aims to provide the best possible experience of impactful
collaboration, following best practices from across Europe. CYENS' DTP is a
far more valuable and engaging experience compared to working only with an
individual supervisor or a small group in a University. The CYENS DTP
experience provides a collaborative cohort environment, in addition to
offering a wide range of projects, research and innovation activities and
training opportunities fostering knowledge transfer and student engagement
with the wider community and the partner institutions.

For more information please visit:

Vassilis Vassiliades
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