[agents] Open Position of Research Engineer on AI and mobility simulation at the CIAD Lab (UTBM) France

Yazan Mualla yazan.mualla at utbm.fr
Sun Feb 28 13:41:55 EST 2021

Dear All, 
Kindly find below an announcement for a position of Research Engineer at the CIAD laboratory (France, [ http://www.ciad-lab.fr%29/ | http://www.ciad-lab.fr ] ) in the context of our H2020 REDREAM project. 

Best Regards, 
Dr. Yazan Mualla 
Researcher and Lecturer 
Laboratoire Connaissance et Intelligence Artificielle Distribuées (CIAD) EA 7533 
Université de Bourgogne Franche-Comté 
Postal Address: 
Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard, 
13, rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg, 
90010 Belfort Cedex, FRANCE 

From: "Stéphane GALLAND" <stephane.galland at utbm.fr> 
Cc: "Yazan Mualla" <yazan.mualla at utbm.fr>, "Abdeljalil Abbas-Turki" <Abdeljalil.Abbas-Turki at utbm.fr> 
Sent: Friday, 12 February, 2021 11:26:36 
Subject: Open Position of Research Engineer on AI and mobility simulation at the CIAD Lab (UTBM) France 

Dear all. 

A position of Research Engineer is open at the CIAD laboratory (France, [ http://www.ciad-lab.fr%29/ | http://www.ciad-lab.fr ] ) in the context of our H2020 REDREAM project. 
The topics of this position are to contribute to an AI-based mobility simulator in the context of the local energy market. 

Details on the new position could be found on one of the three websites: 

[ http://www.ciad-lab.fr/job-offers-at-ciad-laboratory/ | http://www.ciad-lab.fr/job-offers-at-ciad-laboratory/ ] 

[ https://www.ubfc.fr/recrutement-2/ ] [ https://www.ubfc.fr/recrutement-2/ | https://www.ubfc.fr/recrutement-2/ ] 
[ https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/604054 | https://euraxess.ec.europa.eu/jobs/604054 ] 

All the best. 

[ http://www.ciad-lab.fr/ ] 	

Laboratoire C onnaissance et I ntelligence A rtificielle D istribuées 
CIAD UMR 7533 
[ http://www.utbm.fr/ ] 	

Prof. Dr. Stéphane GALLAND 
Full Professor of Computer Science and Multiagent Systems 
[ http://www.ubfc.fr/ ] 	

Deputy Director of [ http://ciad.fr/ | CIAD ] 
French Head of ARFITEC ARF-17-11 & ARF-19-11 "Energy, Transport, Industry, Challenges for tomorrow" 
Senior member of the [ http://www.ciad-lab.fr/ | Multiagent Group ] 
Member of [ http://afia.asso.fr/ | AFIA ] 
[ https://www.ic-arts.eu/ ] 	Université de Technologie de Belfort-Montbéliard - UBFC 
13, rue Ernest Thierry-Mieg 
90010 Belfort Cedex, FRANCE 
	CIAD Lab: [ http://www.ciad-lab.fr/ | www.ciad-lab.fr ] 
Web: [ http://www.ciad-lab.fr/author-10836/ | www.ciad-lab.fr/author-10836 ] 
Phone: +33 384 583 418 (work office) 
Mobile: +33 662 274 442 (private) 

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