[agents] Deadline approaching: 15 March Call for papers: Special Issue on Ethical, Legal and Responsible AI (Journal of Ethics of Information Technology - Springer)

Dignum, Virginia virginia at cs.umu.se
Thu Feb 25 08:33:32 EST 2021

Call for papers

Special Issue on Ethical, Legal and Responsible AI

*Journal*: Ethics and Information Technology 
<https://www.springer.com/journal/10676/> (Springer)**

*Editors*: *Virginia Dignum 
<https://www.umu.se/en/staff/virginia-dignum/>*, *Fosca Gianotti 
<https://kdd.isti.cnr.it/people/giannotti-fosca>*, *Raja Chatilla 

Artificial Intelligence is transforming work, organisations, industries 
and society. Despite the many potential benefits of this general-purpose 
technology, there are significant challenges and risks, ranging from 
privacy, security, ethics, transparency and regulation. The 
prioritization of ethical, legal, and policy considerations in the 
development and management of AI systems to ensure responsible design, 
production and use of trustworthy AI requires integration of 
engineering, policy, law and ethics approaches.

This special issue is the result of collaboration between the EU Horizon 
2020 projects HumaneAI-Net <https://www.humane-ai.eu/>, TAILOR 
<https://cordis.europa.eu/project/id/952215>and AI4EU 

This special issue calls for research papers, project reports, or 
position papers focusing on, but not limited to, the following topics:

  * Accounts (and criteria of adequacy) of *moral values*, especially in
    the context of the human AI interaction (with reference to some
    prominent values in the Ethics & AI debate, e.g. accountability,
    privacy, fairness.)
  * Experiences on *designing and operationalising Human Values and
    Ethical principles*
  * Methods for *measuring values and norms *in the human-AI ecosystem
    as required by an agile approach to designing for values.
  * Approaches to understand *how values can change* (or their
    balance/priorities are modified) as a side effect of complex
    interaction between humans and AI systems in a complex
    socio-technical ecosystem, also with respect to the above mentioned
    value hierarchy.
  * Emergence and resolutions of*value conflicts* by design
  * Theory and methods to deal with ethical dilemmas and *value
    prioritization*, ensuring that such decisions are open, transparent
    and amenable to argumentation and participation of a wide range of
  * Critical scholarship addressing the *power structures and
    imbalances* as these shape the production and adoption of AI systems
  * Ethical importance of epistemic conditions for *responsibility* for
    design and use of AI systems (e.g. contextuality of notions such as
    ‘understanding’ ‘explaining’ and making ‘transparent’ the working of
    deep learning).
  * Understand the *relation of Humane-ness, human centeredness, human
    dignity* in the application of AI.
  * Experiences in *education and training* of ethical, legal and
    responsible AI.

Important dates**

  * 15 March 2021: Submission deadline
  * 3 May 2021: Notifications on decisions
  * 31 May 2021: Major revisions deadline for selected papers
  * 5 July 2021: Final decision on accepted papers
  * 2 August 2021: Camera ready papers due
  * late 2021: Publication of special issue

Submissions **

This special issue welcomes submissions from a wide variety of 
disciplines, including computer science, statistics, law, social 
sciences, the humanities, and education. Given the multidisciplinary 
character of the issue, we request all submissions to include a short 
description of the potential impact of the work reported and of the 
ethical challenges they faced in their work. Please indicate also to 
which of the following topics the submission contributes:

  * Computer Science
  * Law
  * Social Sciences and Humanities
  * Education
  * Practical applications
  * Educating at the intersection of Law, Social Sciences, Humanities,
    and Computer Science

Length is 8000 words maximum and must be anonymous for double-blind review.

Suggested submission types:

  * Research papers
  * Position papers
  * Papers describing existing projects (maximum length for this type is
    2000 words)


Virginia Dignum: virginia at cs.umu.se


Reviewing committee

  * Andreas Theodorou
  * Anna Monreale
  * Atia Cortes
  * Barry O’Sullivan
  * Catholijn Jonker
  * Dino Pedreschi
  * Elisa Fromont
  * Francesca Rossi
  * Frank Dignum
  * Jose Hernandez Orallo
  * Josep Domingo Ferrer
  * Juan Carlos Nieves
  * Marie Christine Rousset
  * Mario Paolucci
  * Michael Berthold
  * Paolo Torroni
  * Roel Dobbe
  * Ron Chrisley
  * Salvatore Ruggieri
  * Teresa Scantamburlo
  * Ulises Cortes

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