[agents] [CfP] The Road to a successful HRI: AI, Trust and ethicS - TRAITS Workshop @HRI

Silvia Rossi silvia.rossi at gmail.com
Thu Jan 14 03:54:00 EST 2021


The aim of this workshop is to give researchers from academia and industry the possibility to discuss the inter- and multi- disciplinary nature of the relationships between people and robots towards effective and long-lasting collaborations. This workshop will provide a forum for the HRI and robotics communities to explore successful human-robot interaction (HRI) to analyse the different aspects of HRI that impact its success. A particular focus of this workshop is to explore successful HRI by designing robots: 1) able to autonomously sense and react to the situation, people and the environment by integrating artificial intelligence (AI) techniques; 2) such that people feel comfortable to interact with robots and trust them to reach intended outcomes, and 3) by adhering to ethical and legal principles.
Website: https://sites.google.com/view/traits-hri <https://sites.google.com/view/traits-hri>
Main Conference Date: March 08–11, 2021

Workshop Date: March 12th, 2021 (Half-day)

How to Submit

Authors are invited to submit an extended abstract of 2 pages or full papers up to 6 pages on original and unpublished research. We also invite authors to submit 2 pages position papers.

All submitted papers will be reviewed by two reviewers. 

The extended versions of the accepted papers will be invited to a SPECIAL ISSUE (TBC).

Deadline for Paper Submission before early registration: January 24th, 2021

Paper Acceptance Notification for first notification: January 28th, 2021

Deadline for Paper Submission as regular registration: February 21st, 2021

Paper Acceptance Notification as regular registration: March 1st, 2021

Camera Ready Paper: March 6th, 2021

Authors should submit their papers formatted according to the ACM SIG format, which is also used for contributions to the main conference. All papers must be submitted in PDF format. Use the following templates to create the paper and generate or export a PDF file: LaTeX <https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/consolidated-tex-template/acmart-master.zip>, on Overleaf <https://www.overleaf.com/latex/templates/acm-conference-proceedings-master-template/pnrfvrrdbfwt> or MS-Word <https://www.acm.org/binaries/content/assets/publications/word_style/interim-template-style/interim-layout.docx>.

Following HRI 2021 directives, we invite authors to prepare an anonymised submission. Authors are expected to remove author and institutional identities from the cover page, the acknowledgements section, and the PDF meta-data. More information about how to anonymise your submission can be found on the conference website <https://humanrobotinteraction.org/2021/guidelines-for-anonymizing-submissions/>.

Please contact Organising Committee for more information.

Organising Committee

Antonio Andriella, Institut de Robotica i Informatica Industrial, aandriella at iri.upc.edu <mailto:aandriella at iri.upc.edu>
Dr Alessandra Rossi, University of Naples Federico II, alessandra.rossi at ieee.org <mailto:alessandra.rossi at ieee.org>
Prof Silvia Rossi, University of Naples Federico II, silrossi at unina.it <mailto:silrossi at unina.it>
Dr Anouk van Maris, Bristol Robotics Laboratory (UWE), anouk.vanmaris at uwe.ac.uk <mailto:anouk.vanmaris at uwe.ac.uk>
We are looking forward to your submission!
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