[agents] GoodIT 2021- Call for Special Track Proposal

Michienzi Andrea andrea.michienzi at di.unipi.it
Tue Jan 12 15:01:42 EST 2021

--- deadline approaching ---

=== Call for Special Tracks proposals ===
GoodIT 2021 will feature special tracks whose aim is to focus on a 
specific topic of interest for the overall scope of the conference.

###   Scope
We solicit proposals for tracks that will be held within the 1st ACM 
International Conference on Information Technology for Social Good 
(GoodIT 2021) that will be held in Rome, Italy, September 9-11, 2021.
Within the main conference, GoodIT 2021 will feature conference tracks 
and invites the submission of track proposals. The aim of the track is 
to focus on a specific topic of interest for the conference. Track 
proposal should highlight current topics related to experiences with the 
design, implementation, deployment, and evaluation of IT technologies to 
social good.
Presentations delivered during the tracks are based on original papers 
that have been selected through a peer-reviewing process and that have 
not been previously published. Accepted track papers will be included in 
the ACM Digital Library.

###   Track Proposal Format
A track proposal must contain the following information:
- Title of the track
- The names of the organizers (up to two) with affiliations, contact 
information, and a brief bio.
- A brief description of the scope and topics of the track (max 1/2 
page) and a brief explanation of: (1) why the topic is timely and 
important; (2) why the topic is related to the conference; (3) why the 
track may attract a significant number of submissions of good quality.
- Indication if a journal special issue is associated with the track
- The advertising plan to increase paper submissions (a list of 
emailing-lists will help)
- A tentative program committee lists
- A draft call for papers (max 1 page)

###   Track Proposal Submission Guidelines
The proposal should be submitted as a unique PDF file to the track 
chairs: catia.prandi2 at unibo.it and marco.furini at unimore.it. The subject 
of the e-mail must be: “GoodIT 2021 – track proposal”.

###   Publication
Papers submitted to each track should be original and peer-reviewed by 
its own program committee (at least 3 reviews per submitted paper is 
required). An accepted paper must be registered and presented by one of 
the authors at the conference venue and the format must follow the one 
of the main conference (http://www.grc.upv.es/goodit2021/authors/). All 
accepted and presented papers will be included in the ACM Digital 

###   Important Dates
-> Proposal Submission Deadline: 15 February 2021
-> Notification of Selection: 19 February 2021

###   Contact
Track Chairs:
– Prof. Marco Furini (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Italy) 
– Dr. Catia Prandi (University of Bologna, Italy) 

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