[agents] 11th HBU Workshop: Multi-source aspects of behavioral understanding

Albert Ali Salah a.a.salah at UU.NL
Thu Nov 26 05:31:15 EST 2020

The 11th Int. Workshop on Human Behavior Understanding is organized at
WACV'21 (http://wacv2021.thecvf.com/) with the focus theme of Multi-source
aspects of behavioral understanding.

The program is below. Please join us and send word to colleagues who may be

HBU 2021 Program

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Starting time correspond to PST local time. Tuesday, January 5th 2021

8:00am – 8:10am Opening

8:10am – 8:55am Keynote talk 1

Title: Modelling Dynamic Facial Expressions Using Psychological Science
Speaker: *Rachael Jack
<https://www.gla.ac.uk/schools/psychology/staff/rachaeljack/>, University
of Glasgow*

9:00am – 9:45am Keynote talk 2

Title: Social Learning Agents: Role of Human Behaviors
Speaker: *Mohamed Chetouani
<http://www.isir.upmc.fr/?op=view_profil&id=11>, Sorbonne Universite*

9:45am – 10:00am Break

10:00am – 11:00am Oral session

1. Context-Aware Personality Inference in Dyadic Scenarios: Introducing the
UDIVA Dataset

Authors: *Cristina Palmero (Universitat de Barcelona); Javier Selva
(Universitat de Barcelona); Sorina Smeureanu (University of Barcelona);
Julio Cezar S. Silveira Jacques Junior (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya
(UOC) & Computer Vision Center (CVC)); Albert Clapés (Computer Vision
Center); Alexa Mosegui (Universitat de Barcelona); Zejian Zhang
(Universitat de Barcelona); David Gallardo (Universitat de Barcelona);
Georgina Guilera (Universitat de Barcelona); David Leiva (Universitat de
Barcelona); Sergio Escalera (Computer Vision Center (UAB) & University of

2. Person Perception Biases Exposed: Revisiting the First Impressions

Authors: *Julio C. S. Jacques Junior (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya (UOC)
& Computer Vision Center (CVC)); Agata Lapedriza (Universitat Oberta de
Catalunya, Spain); Cristina Palmero (Universitat de Barcelona); Xavier Baró
(Universitat Oberta de Catalunya & Computer Vision Center); Sergio Escalera
(Computer Vision Center (UAB) & University of Barcelona)*

3. Geeks and guests: Estimating player’s level of experience from board
game behaviors

Authors: *Feyisayo Olalere (Utrecht University); Metehan Doyran (Utrecht
University); Albert Ali Salah (Utrecht University); Ronald Poppe (Utrecht

4. Pose-based Sign Language Recognition using GCN and BERT

Authors: *Anirudh Tunga (Purdue University); Sai Vidyaranya nuthalapati
(Intelligent Voice); Juan Wachs (Purdue University)*

11:00am – 11:45am Keynote talk 3

Title: Understanding, Designing, and Developing Natural User Interactions
for Children
Speaker: *Lisa Anthony <https://lisa-anthony.com/>, University of Florida*

11:45am – 12:00pm Break

12:00pm – 12:45pm Keynote talk 4

Title: Multimodal AI: Understanding Human Behaviors
Speaker: *Louis-Philippe Morency <https://www.cs.cmu.edu/~morency/>,
Carnegie Mellon University*

12:45pm – 1:30pm Keynote talk 5

Title: Understanding Human Functioning & Enhancing Human Potential through
Computational Methods
Speaker: *Sidney D’Mello <https://sites.google.com/site/sidneydmello/>,
University of Colorado Boulder*

1:30pm – 1:45pm Closing

Best regards,
Abhijit Das <https://sites.google.com/site/dasabhijit2048/home>, *Indian
Statistical Institute, Kolkata*, India
Qiang Ji <https://www.ecse.rpi.edu/~qji/>, *Rensselaer Polytechnic
Institute, United States*
Umapada Pal <https://www.isical.ac.in/~umapada/index.php>, *Indian
Statistical Institute*, *Kolkata*, India
Albert Ali Salah <https://webspace.science.uu.nl/~salah006/>, *Utrecht
University*, The Netherlands
Vitomir Štruc <https://lmi.fe.uni-lj.si/en/vitomir-struc/>, *University of
Ljubljana*, Slovenia

Albert Ali Salah, PhD
Prof. Social and Affective Computing,
Department of Information and Computing Sciences, Utrecht University,
Adjunct Prof., Department of Computer Engineering, Bogazici University,
Personal: http://www.staff.science.uu.nl/~salah006/
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