[agents] SEAMS 2021: Call for Papers

Romina Spalazzese romina.spalazzese at gmail.com
Mon Oct 26 06:39:01 EDT 2020

[Apologies for any cross-posting]

We welcome contributions in the area of agent-based systems and
self-adaptive software!

SEAMS 2021 - Call for Papers
The 16h International Symposium on Software Engineering for Adaptive and
Self-Managing Systems (SEAMS), Madrid, Spain, May 23-24, 2021
Co-located with the 43rd International Conference on Software Engineering
(ICSE 2021)



* Abstract submission: Friday 15 January 2021
* Paper submission: Friday 22 January 2021
* Notification: Monday 1 March 2021
* Camera-ready submission: Monday 22 March 2021



Modern and emerging software systems, such as industrial Internet of
Things, Cyber-Physical Systems, cloud and edge computing, robotics, and
smart environments have to operate without violating their quality
requirements. Self-adaptation and self-management enable these systems to
adapt themselves at runtime to preserve and optimize their operation in the
presence of uncertain changes in their operating environment, resource
variability, evolving user needs, attacks, intrusions, and faults.

Approaches to building and augmenting software and software-controlled
systems with self-managing and self-adaptive capabilities are an important
area of research and development, offering solutions that leverage advances
in fields such as software architecture, fault-tolerant computing,
programming languages, run-time program analysis and verification, among
Additionally, research in this field is informed by related areas such as
control systems, machine learning, artificial intelligence, agent-based
systems, and biologically inspired computing. SEAMS focuses on software
engineering methods, techniques, processes and tools that can be used to
support self-* properties, like, self-protection, self-healing,
self-optimization, and self-configuration.

The objective of SEAMS is to bring together researchers and practitioners
from academia, industry and government, to investigate, discuss, examine
and advance the fundamental principles, the state of the art, and the
solutions addressing critical challenges of engineering self-adaptive and
self-managing systems.



All topics related to engineering self-adaptive and self-managing systems,

Foundational Concepts
* Self-* properties
* Understanding and taming uncertainty
* Runtime models and variability
* Mixed-initiative and human-in-the-loop systems
* Situational awareness
* Ethical challenges of self-adaptive systems

Engineering Strategies
* Control theory
* Online analysis and planning
* Decentralized control
* Automatic synthesis techniques
* AI techniques
* Search-based techniques and learning
* Simulation

Engineering Activities
* Domain/environment analysis techniques
* Requirements elicitation techniques
* Architecture and design techniques
* Verification and validation activities & frameworks
* Systematic reuse (patterns, viewpoints, reference architectures,
  code, etc.)
* Instrumentation of legacy systems (probing and effecting)
* Processes and methodologies

* Formal notations for modeling and analyzing self-* properties
* Domain-specific language support for self-adaptation
* Programming language support for self-adaptation

Application Areas
* Industrial Internet of Things
* Cyber-physical systems
* Cloud, fog and edge computing
* Bioengineering
* Robotics
* Smart environments
* Smart user interfaces
* Privacy and security



One of the recurring discussions within the community is the topic of
handling unanticipated changes in self-adaptive systems. To foster our
understanding of this topic, SEAMS 2021 will include a debate where
participants can take a position either in favour or against the
statement “handling
unanticipated changes is the ultimate challenge for self-adaptation”.  The
debate at the symposium will have an adjudicator and two sides,
respectively in favour and against the statement. The idea is to have a
vote at the end from the audience to decide who was more convincing.
Members of the audience can ask questions, and both sides need to answer
those questions.



SEAMS 2021 solicits the following types of papers:

* Long papers (10 pages main text, inclusive of figures, tables,
appendices, etc.; plus references up to two additional pages): papers
offering novel and mature research contributions, including:

   - Technical papers that clearly describe an innovative and original
   technical contribution.
   - Empirical study that evaluates or compares existing techniques or
   derives relevant findings using a research method (experiment, survey, case
   study, grounded theory, …).
   - Literature review on a research topic in the field.

Authors of long papers are encouraged to submit their supplementary
material for recognition of artifacts that are functional, reusable,
available, replicated, or reproduced. Accepted long papers whose
supplementary material has been evaluated positively will receive
corresponding artifact badges. To submit supplementary material, an extra
one page abstract (not included in the proceedings) should be attached to
the submitted long paper, which describes the material, provides
information to access the material, supports the evaluation of the
material, and justifies why the material deserves the badges the authors
are applying for.

* Short papers (6 pages + 1 page references): papers that have smaller
scope and/or contribution. This type of papers also includes:

   - New Ideas and Emergent Results (NIER) papers, which describe novel and
   promising ideas and/or techniques that are in an early stage of
   - Experience papers that describe the experiences gained from
   applying/evaluating software engineering research results in practice.

   - Artifact papers, which describe model problems, exemplars, or sets of
   resources (e.g., data sets, tools, and frameworks) that are useful for the
   broader SEAMS community to develop, evaluate, and compare self-adaptation
   approaches. Please, check the specific call for this type of paper at
   following link:

* Demo papers (2 pages + 1 page references): papers that should demonstrate
the use of self-adaptive software in a proof-of-concept, prototype or
real-world application. The paper should contain a URL to a demonstration
video of no more than five minutes in duration explaining the working of
the application.

* Community debate papers (2 pages including references): Researchers who
want to participate in the community debate (see above)  are invited to
write a motion either in favour or against the statement “handling
unanticipated changes is the ultimate challenge for self-adaptation.”

Accepted papers will appear in the SEAMS 2021 proceedings that will be
published in the IEEE and ACM digital libraries. The official publication
date is the first day of the conference. The official publication date
affects the deadline for any patent filings related to published work.
Purchases of additional pages in the proceedings are not allowed.

SEAMS 2021 also continues to solicit * artifacts papers * including an
artifact paper (max 6 pages + 1 page references) and the artifact itself.
The Call for Artifacts can be found at the following page:



SEAMS 2021 will recognize three outstanding papers with a "Best Paper Award",
"Best Student Paper Award", and "Best Artifact Award". The winners will be
selected from a shortlist by a dedicated committee, considering the
following criteria: originality, technical quality, soundness,
significance, and clarity of presentation. The primary author of the Best
Student Paper award must be a student at the time of submission.



If a submission is accepted, at least one author of the paper is required
to register for and attend SEAMS 2021 and present the paper. The
presentation is expected to be delivered in person, unless this is
impossible due to travel limitations (related to, e.g., health, visa, or
COVID-19 prevention).



All submitted papers and artifacts will be reviewed by at least three
members of the program committee. Papers must not have been previously
published or concurrently submitted elsewhere.

Submissions must conform to the IEEE formatting instructions IEEE
Conference Proceedings Formatting Guidelines (title in 24pt font and full
text in 10pt type, LaTeX users must use
\documentclass[10pt,conference]{IEEEtran} without including the compsoc or
compsocconf options).

Papers must be submitted via EasyChair:

All types of papers should be submitted via EasyChair. Community debate and
Artifact papers should be submitted to their respective tracks, and all the
other types of papers should be submitted to the Main track.

By submitting to SEAMS, authors acknowledge that they are aware of and
agree to be bound by the ACM Policy and Procedures on Plagiarism and the
IEEE Plagiarism FAQ. In particular, papers submitted to SEAMS 2021 must not
have been published elsewhere and must not be under review or submitted for
review elsewhere whilst under consideration for SEAMS 2021. Contravention
of this concurrent submission policy will be deemed a serious breach of
scientific ethics, and appropriate action will be taken in all such cases.
To check for double submission and plagiarism issues, the chairs reserve
the right to (1) share the list of submissions with the PC Chairs of other
conferences with overlapping review periods and (2) use external plagiarism
detection software, under contract to the ACM or IEEE, to detect violations
of these policies.
By submitting to the SEAMS, authors acknowledge that they conform to the
authorship policy of the ACM, and the authorship policy of the IEEE.

All the information about the different Call for Contributions can be found
at  https://conf.researchr.org/track/seams-2021/seams-2021-papers

Events (I am involved in):
==> SEAMS 2021 <https://conf.researchr.org/home/seams-2021>  16th
Int. Symp. on Software Engineering for Adaptive and Self-Managing Systems,
May 23-24, Madrid (Spain)
==> NEMI Track Co-Chair at  ICSA 2021 <https://icsa-conferences.org/2021/>
IEEE Int. Conf. on Software Architecture, March 22-26, Stuttgart (Germany)

*==> PC Co-Chair of  IoT 2020 <https://iot-conference.org/iot2020>  10th
International Conference on the Internet of Things, October 6-9, Malmö
(Sweden) *
==> ICSA 2020 <http://icsa-conferences.org/2020/>  IEEE Int. Conf. on
Software Architecture, Salvador (Brasil)
==> ECSA 2020 <https://icst2020.info/series/ecsa>  European Conf. on
Software Architecture, September 14-18, L'Aquila (Italy)
Romina Spalazzese
Assoc. Prof. in Computer Science
Faculty of Technology and Society
Malmö University (Sweden)
Web: http://www.rominaspalazzese.com
Email: romina.spalazzese at mau.se; romina.spalazzese at gmail.com
Phone: +46 722496527
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