[agents] AAAI Spring Symposium on Implementing AI ethics 22-24 March 2021

Dignum, Virginia virginia at cs.umu.se
Tue Oct 13 12:13:24 EDT 2020

This symposium will facilitate a deeper discussion on how intelligence, 
agency, and ethics may intermingle in organizations and in software 
implementations. For example, ethical behavior can be formulated as 
rules, values, quantitative measures, principles, regulations, and in a 
number of other ways. What are the consequences of implementing each 
approach? How can AI ethics take advantage of technologies for building 
explainable, interpretable, robust, safe, and secure AI? Can AI ethics 
help people make more ethical choices when grappling with the choices 
they already make regularly?

Practitioners, companies, policy makers, professional bodies, technology 
providers, researchers, and academics with an interest in the 
implications of concrete implementations of machine ethics are welcome 
to participate. We particularly encourage speakers from diverse fields 
since we view the ethics of AI to be a collaborative, bottom-up 
exercise. We would like to be a venue for disparate approaches 
(technical, legal, philosophical and sociological) rather than a closed 
venue where only optimization with regard to specific functions are 


The symposium will facilitate discussion on the following topics:

  * When are ethical systems expressible in algorithmic form? What are
    the mechanisms, and how do specific philosophies of ethics differ in
    machine implementations?
  * What methods can guarantee or verify improved ethical behavior,
    assuming algorithms are part of the solution?
  * How can we ensure that developers of AI systems act ethically?
  * What challenges and opportunities do organizations face in
    implementing ethical AI, and how do organizations manage them?
  * What policy changes will be required as regulations or as best
    practices within companies to ensure responsible use of AI?

The objectives of the symposium are as follows:

  * Synthesize the key AI principles for widespread adoption by
    individuals, corporations, policy makers
  * Operationalize these principles into concrete changes required in
    policies, governance, processes, skills and capabilities of people,
    tools, techniques and technologies across different areas of society
  * Establish a research agenda for outstanding issues to be tackled in
    operationalizing ethical values in AI (for example, AI/machine
    learning model engineering, AI/machine learning model development
    methodology, AI/machine learning model validation and verification,
    reasoning about conflict between values)
  * Bring researchers, policy makers, and executives together to
    facilitate joint efforts and long-term collaborations


We invite anyone who would like to attend and participate in the 
discussions to provide a 1-2 page brief on their interest in the topic, 
how they would contribute to the advancement of the topic, and list any 
relevant publications, implementations, or policy formulations on the 
subject. We encourage academics – both post-graduate students and 
seasoned researchers, policy makers, and practitioners from companies to 

Please submit your work via theAAAI Spring Symposium EasyChair site. 
<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sss21>Please be sure to select 
the appropriate "Implementing AI Ethics" as the relevant symposium when 
submitting your work.

      Call for Participation

*Important Deadlines*

  * November 1, 2020: Submissions due to organizers (unless otherwise
    noted in individual descriptions)
  * December 3, 2020: Notifications of acceptance sent by organizers

Organizing Committee

Virginia Dignum (UMEA University, virginia at cs.umu.se), Kay 
Firth-Butterfield (World Economic Forum, 
Kay.Firth-Butterfield at weforum.org), Graham Finlay (University College 
Dublin, graham.finlay at ucd.ie), Steven Greidinger 
(4sjgcombined at gmail.com), Vivek Nallur (University College Dublin, 
vivek.nallur at ucd.ie), Anand S. Rao (PwC, anand.s.rao at pwc.com)


Best regards / Med vänlig hälsning,

*Virginia Dignum*

Wallenberg Chair, Professor Responsible Artificial Intelligence

Program Director WASP-HS <wasp-hs.org>

*Umeå**University – Department of Computing Science*

*Tel:*  (work) +46 90 786 6308; (mobile) +46720 850 890*
Email:* virginia at cs.umu.se <mailto:virginia at cs.umu.se> / 
virginia.dignum at umu.se <mailto:virginia.dignum at umu.se>*
URL: *http://people.cs.umu.se/virginia/
*Twitter: *https://twitter.com/vdignum*

My book “Responsible Artificial Intelligence” is just 

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