[agents] [meetings] Call for Papers - Robotics Track - International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling - ICAPS 2021

AndreA Orlandini andrea.orlandini at istc.cnr.it
Sat Oct 3 09:59:22 EDT 2020

[apologies for multiple copies]


                                              Call for Papers

International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2021)

                                              Robotics Track

                              Guangzhou, China, 7-12 June 2021

Abstracts due: 11 December 2020
Papers due: 18 Decemer 2020

The Robotics track welcomes research contributions in the general areas 
of planning and
scheduling (P&S), which relate to the advancement of intelligent robots. 
P&S models and
techniques are important for enabling autonomous, flexible, and 
interactive behaviors in
robotic systems. A deep integration of these methods into robotic 
architectures can assist
their effective deployment. In this direction, the ICAPS-2021 Robotics 
track provides an
opportunity for the planning and robotics communities to share research 
progress in the
area of robot planning and showcase the use of planning and scheduling 
technology in
robotics applications. In continuation of the previous Robotics tracks 
at ICAPS and to
encourage maximum participation, we specifically include topics for 
robot planning that
are also human-centered (such as human-aware or human-in-the-loop 
systems). Papers
submitted to the robotics track will be reviewed by a special program 
committee that is
constituted of experts in planning for intelligent robots to ensure 
relevancy while meeting
the same high standards of the conference.

Submission of papers that have been demonstrated on actual robotic 
systems or those that
focus on impacting real-world application domains (e.g., logistics, 
manufacturing, etc.) are specifically encouraged. Given the tremendous 
impact of the pandemic,
we realize that physical robotic experiments may be challenging. Hence, 
experiments with
simulations platforms like Gazebo, Webots, V-REP, etc. are welcome.

Topics include, but are not limited to:
- manipulation task and/or motion planning
- integrated task and motion planning
- learning methods for robot planning
- planning with uncertainty in robotics
- adversarial planning for robots
- representation and acquisition of planning models
- planning for perception
- goal recognition and reasoning
- task teaching and learning by demonstration
- interaction and communication planning
- plan execution, failure detection and recovery
- multi-robot planning, scheduling/coordination, and execution
- formal methods for robot planning and control
- real-world robotic planning applications
- safety, ethics, and transparency in robot planning
- human monitoring and plan recognition
- mixed-initiative planning and adjustable autonomy
- cognitive modeling, social interaction, and theory of mind
- behavior transparency and explainability
- explanation of planning and learning models
- planning for co-bots and human-robot teaming
- plan-based interactive robotic systems
- benchmarking planning domains for robots and humans

** Author Guidelines **
Authors may submit long papers (8 pages plus up to one page of references)
or short papers (4 pages plus up to one page of references). The type of 
must be indicated at submission time. Both long and short papers will be 
against the standard criteria of relevance, originality, significance, 
clarity and
soundness, and are expected to meet the high standards set by ICAPS. 
Short papers
may be of narrower scope. For example, they can either address a highly 
issue, or propose/evaluate a small, yet important, extension of previous 
work or a
new idea.

Authors making multiple submissions must ensure that each submission has
significant unique content. Papers submitted to ICAPS 2021 may not be 
submitted to
other conferences or journals during the ICAPS 2021 review period, nor 
may be
already under review or published in other conferences or journals. 
Over-length papers
will be rejected without review.

** Submission Instructions **
All submissions will be made electronically, the paper submission link is:

Submitted PDF papers should be anonymous for double-blind reviewing, 
adhere to
the page limits of the relevant track CFP/submission type (long or 
short), and follow
the AAAI author kit instructions for formatting:

In addition to the submitted PDF paper, authors can submit supplementary 
(videos, technical proofs, additional experimental results) for their 
paper. Please make
sure that the supporting material is also anonymized. Papers should be 
reviewers are encouraged, but not obligated, to consider supporting 
material in their

The proceedings will be published by AAAI Press. All accepted papers 
will be published in
the main conference proceedings and will be presented orally at the 
conference (full papers
will be allocated more time).

** Important Dates **
Abstracts (electronic submission) due: December 11, 2020
Papers (electronic submission, PDF) due: December 18, 2020
Notification of acceptance: February 16, 2021
The reference time-zone for all deadlines is UTC-12. That is, as long as 
there is still some
place anywhere in the world where the deadline has not yet passed, you 
are on time!

** ICAPS 2021 Robotics Track Chairs **
Xiaoping Chen (USTC, China)
AndreA Orlandini (ISTC-CNR, Italy)
Yu ("Tony") Zhang (ASU, USA)

** Contact **
Please direct all questions to: ICAPS2021 at easychair.org

AndreA Orlandini PhD

  National Research Council of Italy
  Institute for Cognitive Science and Technology
  Phone:  +39-06-44595-223      E-mail: andrea.orlandini at istc.cnr.it
  Fax:    +39-06-44595-243      Url: http://www.istc.cnr.it/group/pst

Me, the one and only person that never leaves me alone!

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