[agents] Call for Participation - ACM 20th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA 2020)

Pedro Sequeira pedrodbs at gmail.com
Mon Sep 28 14:59:20 EDT 2020

Call for Participation

ACM 20th International Conference on Intelligent Virtual Agents

Online Conference, October 20th-22nd 2020



2020 Intelligent Virtual Agents

Exploring Connections between Computer Science, Robotics and Psychology.

Register now for the Intelligent Virtual Agents (IVA) Annual Conference!

 *** In light of Covid-19, this year the IVA 2020 conference will be
delivered online via Virtual Chair and GatherTown. Our goal is to
ensure the spontaneous interactions that invigorate physical
conferences while realizing low attendance costs.
Please see https://iva2020.psy.gla.ac.uk/attendees/ for more details ***

IVA is the premier international event for interdisciplinary research
on the design, application, and evaluation of Intelligent Virtual
Agents (IVAs) – interactive characters that exhibit human-like
qualities including communicating using natural human modalities such
as facial expressions, speech and gesture. IVA 2020 will showcase
cutting-edge research on the design, application, and evaluation of
IVAs, including basic research underlying the technology that supports
human-agent interaction such as social perception, dialog modeling,
and social behavior planning, as well as work on central theoretical
issues, uses of virtual agents in psychological research and showcases
of working applications.

IVA 2020’s Special Topic was an invitation to researchers and
developers across the disciplines of  computer science, robotics,
psychology and the commercial world to share their work on the
challenges and uses of social agent research, in the hope to further
trans-disciplinary collaboration.

The invited talks this year will include a social roboticist, a
neuroscientist and an artist panel:

 - Professor Jodi Forlizzi: “HRI and HAI: Merging Perspectives from Two Fields”
 - Professor Lars Muckli: “Emotions and other contextual signals in
early visual cortex and the computational role for AI”
 - Behnaz Farahi, Ph.D.: “Emotive Matter: Affective Computing from
Fashion to Architecture”
 - Güvenç Özel: “Persuasion Machines: Networked Architectures in the
Age of Surveillance Capitalism”

See https://iva2020.psy.gla.ac.uk/program/invited-speakers/ for more details.


Conference Chairs:
- Stacy Marsella, University of Glasgow
- Rachael Jack, University of Glasgow

Program Chairs:
- Hannes Vilhjalmsson, Reykjavik University
- Pedro Sequeira, SRI International
- Emily Cross, University of Glasgow
Contact: iva20 at easychair.org

Workshop/Demonstration Organization Chairs:
- Lucile Callebert, University of Glasgow
- Florian Pecune, University of Glasgow
Contact: workshopsdemos.iva2020 at gmail.com

Web Site
- Amol Deshmukh, University of Glasgow

Volunteer Coordinator:
- Carolyn Saund, University of Glasgow

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