[agents] Call For Chapters in Advances in Cybersecurity Management (Springer)

Cathryn Peoples cathryn.j.peoples at ieee.org
Thu Aug 20 08:55:32 EDT 2020

Dear Colleagues,

Submission Deadline: October 31, 2020.

It is our pleasure to invite you to submit a chapter for inclusion in the
‘Advances in Cybersecurity Management’ book to be published by Springer.
The submission deadline is October 31, 2020. The submitted chapter should
have 12-15 pages and include sufficient details to be useful for
cybersecurity managers and readers with cybersecurity management knowledge
ranging from basic to the most advanced.  The book is divided into six main
areas, described below, although we welcome other areas as suggested by
authors. When emailing your draft chapter, please indicate the area in
which your chapter fits, and email it to the Editor in charge of that
area.  Corresponding authors will receive a free copy of the book from

This book concentrates on a wide range of advances related to Cybersecurity
Management which include, among others, Management Techniques in Security,
Information Technology Risk Management, Impact of Technologies and
Techniques on Security Management, Regulatory Techniques and Issues,
International Issues related to Security Management, IT Compliance
Management, Security Policy Management, IT Vendor Risk Management, Cyber
Security Incident Response, Compliance Requirements for Cyber Security,
Information Continuity Management, and Assets Classification and Control.


Dr. Kevin Daimi: Professor Emeritus, Computer Science and Software
Engineering, University of Detroit Mercy, USA.

Email: daimikj at udmercy.edu

- Security for Protocol Management

- System Security Management

- Network Security Management

Dr. Cathryn Peoples, School of Computing and Communications, Faculty of
Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics, The Open University, United

Email: cathryn.j.peoples at ieee.org

- Storage Area Networks (SAN) Management

- Security Operations

- Vulnerabilities Management

Best regards,

Kevin Daimi and Cathryn Peoples

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