[agents] Call for Papers: Special Issue on Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multiagent Systems

Ana Bazzan bazzan.inf at gmail.com
Thu Jul 16 07:50:06 EDT 2020

please distribute and consider submitting.


Ana Bazzan


Special Issue on Distributed Artificial Intelligence and Multiagent Systems

RITA - The Revista de Informática Teórica e Aplicada - journal publishes 
works that show state of the art and trends of the area of Informatics 
and its applications. It is a _free-access journal that has no APC_.

The journal offers immediate free access to its content, following the 
principle of providing free scientific knowledge. Since 2010, the 
Journal has been edited only in its electronic version, ISSN 2175-2745 
and is now indexed in SCOPUS, dblp, and others.

For more information and table of contents, click here: 

Last issue: https://seer.ufrgs.br/rita/issue/view/RITA_Vol27_Nr1

This special issue is addressed to computer scientists and engineers 
from both academic and industrial environments, who design, develop and 
implement multiagent systems and agent based tools in diverse 
application areas.

We solicit submissions of original, unpublished, theoretical and applied 
work strongly relevant to multiagent systems, including both prototype 
and deployed systems which demonstrate novel capabilities.

Papers must be written in English, according to the RITA formatting 
guidelines. Only full papers will be accepted for submission. Papers 
will be refereed through a *double blind* process for technical merit 
and content.

A (non-extensive) list of topics is:

* Coordination, Cooperation, and Communication Issues in Distributed 
Artificial Intelligence (DAI) and Multiagent Systems (MAS)
* Machine Learning for and in DAI and MAS
* DAI and MAS as support for Machine Learning
* Agent-Based Modelling and Multiagent-Based Simulation
* Automated Planning for and in DAI and MAS
* Engineering Methods, Platforms, Languages and Tools for  MAS
* Applications of DAI and MAS in  Socio-Technical Systems, Health, 
Manufacturing, Robotics, and other domains

Papers should be submitted to the journal in the normal way but authors 
should select the Special Issue - ``Distributed Artificial Intelligence 
and Multiagent Systems''.


Paper submission: Aug, 31, 2020
First Round Notification: Oct, 31, 2020 (tentative)
Revision: Nov, 31, 2020
Final Decision (tentative): Dec., 15, 2020
Tentative Publication: Jan. 2021

Guest Editors:

** Prof. Ana L. C. Bazzan (contact person)  -  Federal Univ. of Rio 
Grande do Sul, Brazil
** Prof. Chris Amato  -  Northeastern Univ., U.S.
** Prof. Bo An  -  Nanyang Technological Univ., Singapore
** Prof. Felipe Meneguzzi   -  PUCRS, Brazil
** Prof. Ann Nowé   - Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Belgium
** Prof. Jaime Sichman  -  Univ. of São Paulo, Brazil
** Dr. Lavindra de Silva  -  Univ. of Cambridge, UK
** Prof. Giuseppe Vizzari  -  Univ. of Milano-Bicocca, Italy

Contact:  bazzan at inf.ufrgs.br

Prof. M. Dorn, UFRGS, Brazil

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