[agents] PhD Thesis: Regulation in Hybrid Communities of People and Agents on the Web (deadline June 15, 2020)

Olivier Boissier Olivier.Boissier at emse.fr
Wed May 20 01:53:03 EDT 2020

Dear all, 

Please find as attachment a call for application to a PhD Thesis project « Regulation in Hybrid Communities of People and Agents on the Web », which takes place in the ANR-SNF HyperAgents Project. 

To apply, please send us a CV together with a motivation letter, the Master / engineering school transcripts, by email to Olivier Boissier (Olivier.Boissier at emse.fr <mailto:Olivier.Boissier at emse.fr>) and Serena Villata (villata at i3s.unice.fr <mailto:villata at i3s.unice.fr>)

The deadline for application is June 15, 2020.

Best regards, 

Olivier Boissier, Serena Villata

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