[agents] Call for Participation: Join 1st AAMAS Virtual Conference Freely

AAMAS 2020 aamas2020org at gmail.com
Wed May 6 21:59:19 EDT 2020

The first AAMAS virtual conference will be freely available for viewing
next week. This is a wonderful opportunity to binge watch AI talks, no
registration necessary!

The proceedings is posted at:

Videos of the technical papers and the keynotes will be made available at:

The main conference starts at 9:45am EDT on Monday May 11 with a terrific
selection of keynote speakers (Alison Heppenstall, Sergey Levine).  Tuesday
will feature more great keynote speakers (Carla Gomes, Thore Graepel) and a
panel discussion sponsored by the Blue Sky track.  Wed will have talks from
our IFAAMAS award winners (Munindar Singh, Dominik Peters), announcements
of the 2020 paper awards and a preview of AAMAS 2021. Underline.io will
support live QA through their site.

For information about the workshop activities check out:

The doctoral consortium will be held on May 9-10:

Please join us and encourage your colleagues to do the same!
2020 AAMAS Organizing Team
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