[agents] Permanent Research Engineer Position in Trustworthy Multi-Agent Systems M/F

Önder Gürcan onder.gurcan at gmail.com
Mon May 4 10:55:38 EDT 2020

Dear all,

We are looking for a new permanent team mate in trustworthy multi-agent systems. The details are as follows.

General Information

The Laboratory of Trustworthy, Smart & Self-Organizing Information Systems (LICIA) of the CEA LIST (located in Paris-area) has a permanent research engineer position in trustworthy multi-agent systems.

The French Atomic Energy and Alternative Energy Commission (CEA) is a public research organization and a major player in research, development and innovation. Within its LIST institute, at heath of the Paris-Saclay Campus, LICIA is dedicated to the design and implementation of distributed intelligent systems and algorithms such as the blockchain and its applications.

Description of the Job

We are a young, dynamic and rapidly growing laboratory. We interact with the most creative and renowned academic and industrial players (national and international) in the field. Your work will have a direct and visible impact on the state of the art and practices in the field of next generation intelligent and distributed systems.

In general, the work activities associated with the position consist of helping the principal investigator of one (or more) specific research project (s) to achieve the objectives of the project, under his/her direction. You then have to:
Take a specific role in the research project under supervision,
Design, develop and test algorithms, prototypes, multi-agent simulation models for their application to blockchains,
Definition of a library of abstractions of intelligent distributed systems,
Contribute to the drafting of project deliverables,
Take responsibility for certain elements of the planned research,
Contribute to the dissemination and publication of the results obtained in conferences, workshops and journals.
You will mainly interact with the principal investigator and other members of the project team.

Profile of the Candidate

You will soon obtain your doctorate or you have obtained your doctorate recently, you have continued your research activities for at least two years in the field of multi-agent systems and / or you have had a strong implication in the realization of a major technological project in the field of intelligent, decentralized and large-scale systems.

You have acquired:
Technical skills:
Knowledge of the different architectures of distributed, multi-agent systems (rational, BDI, cooperative, competitive, goal oriented etc.),
Knowledge of the different learning algorithms (e.g., reinforcement learning, deep learning, collective intelligence),
Ability to model and analyze problems related to distributed and multi-agent systems,
Experience in programming multi-agent systems in one or more general purpose languages (e.g., Java, C++, Phyton) and/or domain dependent languages/frameworks (e.g., MaDKit, Repast, NetLogo, Jade, Jason, Sarl).
Experience/interest in using tools (e.g., Git, Maven) and processes (e.g., Agile, Scrum, Devops) of modern software engineering.
Knowledge of blockchain and/or multi-robot systems (e.g., drones),
Management skills:
Ability to know how to organize yourself with milestones and concrete intermediate results,
Good communication skills and fluency in English is a prerequisite,
Ability to organize the work with collaborators in a consensual manner.
Your friends recognize that you have a real capacity for listening and communication. Your curiosity leads you to ask questions to better understand your interlocutors and their reality. You like working within a team and being an actor in it. You can demonstrate your ability to manage deadlines and priorities.


Application can be made through the following link: https://www.emploi.cea.fr/offre-de-emploi/emploi-ingenieur-chercheur-en-systemes-multi-agents-de-confiance-_12714.aspx <https://www.emploi.cea.fr/offre-de-emploi/emploi-ingenieur-chercheur-en-systemes-multi-agents-de-confiance-_12714.aspx> 

Please also send your CV to onder.gurcan at cea.fr <mailto:onder.gurcan at cea.fr>
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