[agents] Special Issue: Blockchain for Information Systems Management and Security at Information Processing & Management Journal

Yufei Sun yufeisun369 at gmail.com
Thu Mar 19 05:26:15 EDT 2020

[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation]

Special Issue: Blockchain for Information Systems Management and Security

Information Processing & Management Journal


*Call for Papers.*

As a revolutionary technology, Blockchain provides practical solutions to
enable a secure and decentralized public ledger that has a plethora of
exciting new applications in several areas, such as Information Systems
(IS), Internet of Things (IoT), e-health, manufacturing, financial
services, supply chain and logistics, etc. Blockchain technology has
infiltrated all areas of information systems such as financial IS, health
IS, education IS and industrial IS. Cybersecurity is an industry that has
been significantly affected by this technology, and maybe more so in the
future with a decentralized information sharing platform. Blockchain
technology is defined as a decentralized system of distributed registers
that are used to record data transactions on multiple computers. The reason
this technology has gained popularity is that you can put any digital asset
or transaction in the blockchain, regardless of the application context.
Blockchain technology can be used to prevent data breach, identity theft,
cyber-attacks, intellectual property infringement or criminal acts in
transactions. This ensures that data remains private and secure. The main
goal of this special issue is to encourage both researchers and
practitioners to share and exchange their experiences and recent studies
between academia and industry in the field of Blockchain for information
systems management and security.

Researchers are encouraged to submit original research contributions in all
major areas of Blockchain-Information systems, which include, but not
limited to:

* State-of-the-art of the Blockchain technology and cybersecurity for
Information systems
* Blockchain Technologies and Methodologies for Information systems
* Recent development and emerging trends using Blockchain for securing
Information systems.
* New models, practical solutions and technological advances related to
* Theory of Blockchain for Information systems

* Blockchain-based security of financial Information systems

* Blockchain-based security of health Information systems
* Blockchain-based security solutions of smart cities Information systems

* Blockchain for Internet of Things (IoT) Information systems
* Authentication and authorization in Blockchain.
* Applications of blockchain technologies in digital forensic for
Information systems
* Privacy aspects of blockchain technologies

* Blockchain for Artificial Intelligence.

* Scalability and efficiency of blockchain-based Information systems

* Applications of blockchain technologies in computer & hardware security
* Implementation challenges facing blockchain technologies
* Blockchain-based threat intelligence and threat analytics techniques
* Blockchain-based open-source tools for Information systems
* Forensics readiness of blockchain technologies
* Vulnerabilities of smart contracts
* Open issues and trends in Blockchains

*Submission Guideline:*

Papers should be submitted electronically using the Elsevier submission
system to Information Processing & Management (
https://www.evise.com/profile/#/IPM/login) and following the Journal
submission guidelines. When submitting the manuscript please select the
article type “*VSI: Blockchain for IS*” as the Article Type to ensure your
manuscript be correctly assigned. Please submit your manuscript before the
submission deadline.

*Guest Editors:*

Yaser Jararweh, Duquesne University, USA,  jararwehy at duq.edu

Sandra Hirsh, San Jose State University, USA, Sandy.hirsh at sjsu.edu

Yin Yang, Hamad Bin Khalifa University, Qatar, *yyang at hbku.edu.qa
<yyang at hbku.edu.qa>*

*Tentative Schedule:*

Deadline for Submissions: May 15, 2020

Authors First Notification: August 15, 2020

Revised papers Submission: October 15, 2020

Final Acceptance:  December 1, 2020
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