[agents] [CFP] RO-MAN 2020: Special Session on "Societal Consequences of Human-Robot Interaction"

Giulia Perugia giuliaperugia at GMAIL.COM
Wed Mar 4 12:44:21 EST 2020

Dear Colleagues,

We would like to invite you to submit your papers to the Special
Session "Societal
Consequences of Human-Robot Interaction" (see CFP below) which will be part
of RO-MAN 2020.
Please, feel free to share the call with other potentially interested

We apologize in advance for cross-posting.

Kindest regards,

Giulia Perugia

*Call for Papers for the Special Session "Societal Consequences of
Human-Robot Interaction"*
29th IEEE International Conference on Robot & Human Interactive
Communciation (RO-MAN 2020)
31 August- 4 September 2020, Naples (Italy)

==== Important Dates ====

Submission deadline: 15th March 2020
Author notification: 27th May 2020
Camera ready due: 15th June 2020
Conference: 31st August- 4th September 2020

==== Overview ====

This special session welcomes papers that address the societal consequences
of Human-Robot Interaction (HRI). As social robots will become increasingly
autonomous and present in our daily life in the years to come, the field of
HRI and Social Robotics should investigate the potential challenges that
their pervasive presence could bring about, and set legal and ethical
boundaries to their use. With this special session, we aim at
understanding: how will the pervasive interaction with social robots change
human behavior? Do humans comply with norm-violating social robots? Do bias
and discrimination observable in human-human interaction extend to HRI? How
can we legally and ethically limit the misuse of social robots?
We accept papers that explore how the exposure to and interaction with
norm-violating social robots (e.g., cheating robots, bribing robots,
erratic robots) could affect human multimodal behavior (e.g., conformity),
and how concepts such as trust, familiarity, and rapport affect people’s
reactions to such robots. Moreover, we welcome papers that assess human
misconduct with robots in terms of discrimination (e.g.,
racism/racialization, sexism/sexualization) and mistreatment (e.g.,
bullying, verbal disinhibition, violent behavior), but also papers that
investigate how we, as humans, react to robotic harm. As the debate on the
societal consequences of HRI should be addressed from a multidisciplinary
point of view, we also accept papers that present legal and ethical
frameworks on social robotics’ use and data collection, especially
concerning vulnerable populations, such as children and persons with
disabilities (e.g., people with dementia). In this sense, topics of
interest are liability and accountability, transparency and explainability
in HRI, and deception.

==== Scope and Topics ====

Topics include but are not limited to:

   - Conformity to social robots
   - Social robots violating injunctive norms
   - Cheating/Bribing robots
   - Faulty robots/Erratic social robots
   - Deceptive social robots
   - Social Engineering in HRI
   - Racism/Racialization of social robots
   - Sexism/Sexualization of robots
   - Unconscious bias towards social robots
   - Bullyism towards social robots
   - Misuse/Abuse of social robots
   - Verbal disinhibition towards social robots
   - Violent behavior towards social robots
   - Human reactions to robotic harm
   - Surveillance capitalism in Social Robotics
   - Accountability/Liability in HRI
   - Transparency/Explainability in HRI
   - Deception in HRI
   - Ethical implications of misbehaving robots
   - Mapping responsibilities in HRI
   - Unintended consequences of HRI

==== Submissions ====

Authors should submit their papers electronically in PDF format
via Papercept. For the first submission, a manuscript can be of 6-8 pages.
For the final submission, a manuscript should be of 6 pages, with 2
additional pages allowed but at an extra charge. All papers are reviewed
using a single-blind review process. To have the paper included in the
Special Session, authors should specify the *session code 9c434* when
submitting the paper.

For more information about the Special Session, please check the full
proposal at this link:

==== Organizers ====

Dr. Giulia Perugia (Main Organizer), Postdoctoral Researcher (Uppsala
University, Sweden) giulia.perugia at it.uu.se
Dr. Eduard Fosch-Villaronga, Postdoctoral Researcher (Leiden University,
Netherlands) e.fosch.villaronga at law.leidenuniv.nl
Dr. Alexander Mois Aroyo, Postdoctoral researcher (University of Waterloo,
Canada) alexander.aroyo at uwaterloo.ca
Dr. Alessandra Sciutti, Tenure-track researcher (Italian Institute of
Technology, Italy) alessandra.sciutti at iit.it
Prof. Ginevra Castellano, Full Professor (Uppsala University, Sweden)
ginevra.castellano at it.uu.se
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