[agents] (extended deadline) CFP - International Workshop on Dialogue, Explanation and Argumentation in Human Agent Interaction (DEXA-HAI-2020) @ECAI2020

KOKCIYAN Nadin nadin.kokciyan at ed.ac.uk
Thu Feb 27 09:39:38 EST 2020


2nd International Workshop on Dialogue, Explanation and Argumentation in Human Agent Interaction DEXA-HAI-2020

Held in conjunction with ECAI 2020

08 June 2020

Santiago de Compostela

Website: https://sites.google.com/view/dexahai-at-ecai2020/home


The International Workshop on Dialogue, Explanation and Argumentation in Human-Agent Interaction (DEXA HAI 2020) will focus on the approaches, concepts and applications relevant to supporting dialogue and explainability in the context of human interaction with agent-based systems.

The workshop will focus on the following questions:

How can we develop methods to facilitate dialogue between humans and agents?

How can we derive arguments given such dialogues?

How can we explain the decisions made by intelligent systems; and

How can we support humans in interacting with such systems?

This workshop will particularly cover the use of computational argumentation and argumentation-based dialogue approaches to answer these questions, but will also consider natural language processing work on dialogue, and any work which fits into the ``explainability'' theme.

The workshop will bring together researchers from different application domains with the common theme of dialogue and explanation in interactive agent-based systems, as well as computational argumentation in the same theme. We would like to:

Explore the different approaches to dialogue in interactive human-agent systems;

Investigate methods or approaches to promoting explainability of agent-based decisions in interactive human-agent systems;

Explore the application of argumentation-based approaches to supporting dialogue in interactive human-agent systems;

Investigate how explainability can be evaluated in the human-agent context.




Submissions are in the format of long papers (7 pages + 1 page references) or short papers (4 pages + 1 page references).

Both long and short papers should be formatted according to ECAI guidelines and submitted electronically through EasyChair (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=dexahai2020).




- Deadline for paper submission: March 10, 2020

- Final decisions to authors: April 8, 2020

- Camera-ready papers: April 22, 2020

- Workshop: June 08, 2020

All deadlines are at 23:59 UTC-12.




Simon Parsons - University of Lincoln, UK

Elizabeth Sklar - University of Lincoln, UK

Isabel Sassoon - King's College London, UK

Nadin Kokciyan - University of Edinburgh, UK

If you have any queries please email: Isabel.k.sassoon at kcl.ac.uk


The University of Edinburgh is a charitable body, registered in Scotland, with registration number SC005336.
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