[agents] [Final CfP] The 2nd Games, Agents and Incentives Workshop (GAIW) @AAMAS 2020

Yair Zick yairzick at gmail.com
Thu Feb 13 08:17:34 EST 2020

Now that the EC and IJCAI deadlines are behind us, we encourage submissions
to the GAIW workshop.

Deadline: 16 February 2020 (anywhere on earth)

Date: 9-13th May 2020, Auckland, New Zealand

Webpage: http://www.agent-games-2020.preflib.org/

We invite submissions to the second iteration of the Games, Agents and
Incentives Workshop, co-located with AAMAS 2020.


Authors should submit full papers electronically in PDF format at

*Formatting Guidelines:* Please format papers according to the AAMAS 2020
format (author kit
Optionally, one may submit in LNCS format as well (LaTeX template

*Paper Length:* Papers can be at most 8 pages long in AAMAS format, or 12
pages long in LNCS format. Additional pages for may be used for references.

Supplemental material can be appended at the end of the paper. However,
reviewers are instructed to make their evaluations based on the main
submission, and are not obligated to consult the supplemental material.

*Multiple Submissions:* To widen participation and encourage discussion,
there will be no formal publication of workshop proceedings. We will,
however, post the accepted papers online to the benefit of the participants
to the workshop. Therefore, submission of preliminary work and papers to be
submitted or in preparation for submission to other major venues in the
field are encouraged.

*Past Submissions:* In order to strike a balance between new work and work
that may have been presented but not widely seen we ask that if authors
want to submit published work they do so non-anonymously and clearly
indicate when and where the work was published. We will only accept work
which has been published in the last calendar year (e.g., IJCAI 2019,
NeurIPS 2019, AAAI 2020, and any conference held after Feb. 2020).

We invite papers on topics of game theory, mechanism design, fair
allocation, computational social choice, and their applications to
multi-agent systems:

   - Algorithmic mechanism design
   - Empirical studies of games and agents
   - Behavioral Game Theory
   - Bounded rationality
   - Cake cutting problems
   - Cooperative Games
   - Computational social choice
   - Empirical approaches to social choice
   - Auctions
   - Computational advertising
   - Computational aspects of equilibria
   - Coalitions, coordination, collective action, and cooperation
   - Economic aspects of security and privacy
   - Economic aspects of distributed and network computing
   - Equilibrium computation
   - Empirical approaches to electronic markets
   - Fair allocation of indivisible goods
   - Incentives in machine learning
   - Information and attention economics
   - Learning in games (e.g., solution concepts and equilibria)
   - Matching and Matching Markets
   - Market equilibria
   - Negotiation
   - Price differentiation and price dynamics
   - Resource allocation
   - Social networks
   - Trading agent design and analysis
   - Uncertainty in AI and economics

*Proceedings Publication:* to widen participation and encourage discussion,
there will be no formal publication of workshop proceedings. We will,
however, post the accepted papers online to the benefit of workshop
participants. Therefore, submission of preliminary work and papers to be
submitted or in preparation for submission to other major venues in the
field are encouraged.


Submission Deadline: February 16th, 2020

Acceptance Notification: April 1st, 2020

GAIW workshop: May 9-13, 2020 (exact date TBD)


*Program Chairs*

Haris Aziz (University of New South Wales)

Sofia Ceppi (Prowler.io)

John P Dickerson (University of Maryland)

Omer Lev (Ben-Gurion University)

Nicholas Mattei (Tulane University)

Yair Zick  (National University of Singapore)
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