[agents] CFP workshop NETREASON at ECAI2020

Marija Slavkovik marija.slavkovik at gmail.com
Sat Dec 21 08:58:19 EST 2019

Dear all,

This is a call for papers for the ECAI2020 workshop NETREASON: reasoning
about social networks.

The call is for scientific papers, which report novel research in the areas
(but not limited to):

Logic based models of social networks phenomena
Epistemic models on graphs
Strategic behaviour in opinion diffusion
Computational issues in opinion diffusion
Computational Trust
Collective information distortions and how to prevent them
Model checking and verification of social network phenomena

The submission deadline is February 28, 2020.  Details of the workshop and
submission instructions can be found: https://netreason.w.uib.no/

ECAI 2020 <http://ecai2020.eu/> will be held at Santiago de Compostela
10-12 June 2020 and the collocated workshops will be held before the
conference 8-9 June 2020.

Please forward this CFP to all interested parties.

Kind regards
Marija Slavkovik,
Sonja Smets,
Giuseppe Primiero

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