[agents] [Mycolleagues] CFP IJCAI 2020 - Special Track on Computational Sustainability and Human Well-being

Satoshi Kurihara satoshi at keio.jp
Wed Dec 11 09:18:16 EST 2019

*IJCAI 2020 - Special Track on **Computational Sustainability and Human
Artificial Intelligence technology will bring many transformations in a
large variety of aspects of our everyday life.

At the core of this transformation is the deployment of AI in applications
that will improve the quality of life - or well-being - of the world's
population covering all aspects of sustainability.
This special track invites research papers on novel concepts, models,
algorithms, and systems, that address problems in computational
sustainability and human wellbeing.
We are looking for a broad range of papers ranging from formal analysis to
applied research. Examples include papers explaining how the research
addresses specific
computational problems, opportunities, or issues underlying sustainability
challenges and human well-being related problems. Also papers describing a
sustainability or human well-being challenge
or application that can be tackled using AI methods. Papers proposing
general challenges and data sets are also welcome.

All AI topics that can address computational sustainability and human
issues are appropriate, including machine learning, optimization,
reasoning, vision, and robotics. Sustainability domains include natural
resources, climate, and the environment
 (for example, climate change, atmosphere, water, oceans, forest, land,
soil, biodiversity, species), human well-being  (for example, health,
aging, poverty, infectious
diseases, over-population, resource harvesting) and socio-technical
systems  (for example, transportation systems, cities, buildings, data
centers, food systems, smart grid, agriculture).

*Important Dates*

   - Submission site opening: January 7, 2020
   - Abstract submission deadline: January 15, 2020 (11:59PM UTC-12)
   - Paper submission deadline: January 21, 2020 (11:59PM UTC-12)
   - Summary reject notification: February 21, 2020
   - Author response period: March 21-25, 2020
   - Paper notification: April 19, 2020

Submission site: https://cmt3.research.microsoft.com/IJCAI2020

Formatting guidelines, LaTeX styles, and Word template:

*Submission Process*

The paper title, author names, contact details, and a brief abstract must
be submitted electronically through the IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 paper submission
site (link above) by the abstract submission deadline.

Full papers must be submitted through the same site by the paper submission
deadline. At least one author of each accepted paper is required to attend
the conference to present the work.


When submitting abstracts, authors will be required to choose up to three
content area keywords that belong to this Special Track. General categories
should be used only if specific categories do not apply or do not
accurately reflect the main contributions. The full list of keywords will
be available on the submission site.

*Paper Length and Format*

Papers submitted to the Special Track must be formatted according to
IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 guidelines (link above) and must be no longer than seven
pages in total: six pages for the body of the paper (including all
figures), plus up to one additional page with references that do not fit
within the six body pages. (For accepted papers, up to two additional pages
may be purchased at an additional cost per page, but note that at the time
of submissions, papers are required to adhere to the 6+1 format above.)
Authors are required to submit their electronic papers in PDF format.
Over-length papers will be rejected without review. Submissions must be
self-contained. IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 will not accept any supplementary
materials other than those specified in the paragraph “Resubmissions of
Substantially Improved Recent Submissions," below.

*Policy on Multiple Submissions*

IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 will not accept any paper that, at the time of
submission, is under review for, has already been published in, or has
already been accepted for publication in, a journal or another venue with
formally published proceedings. (As a guideline, authors should regard
publications with a DOI, ISBN, or ISSN as formal publications. Questions
about submission eligibility should be referred to the program chair in
advance of the submission deadline.) Authors are also required not to
submit their papers to venues with formal publication during the
IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 review period. Submission is also permitted for papers
that are available as a technical report (or similar, e.g., in arXiv). In
this case, we suggest the authors not cite the report, so as to preserve
anonymity. Multiple submission is grounds for immediate rejection of the
submitted paper.

*Confidentiality Policy*

All submissions will be treated in strict confidence until the publication

*Conflict of Interest Policy*

All individuals involved in the IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 review process must
adhere to the IJCAI conflict of interest policy. Details can be found at

*Review Process*

Reviewing for this Special Track at IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 is the same as the
main track, which is double blind (reviewers do not know the author's
identity or vice versa). The first page, on which the paper body begins,
should include the title and abstract, but not names or affiliations of the
authors. Acknowledgments of funding or assistance should also be omitted.
Submissions should not contain pointers to supplemental material on the
web. When referring to one's own work, use the third person, rather than
the first person. For example, say "Previously, Bessiere and desJardins [7]
have shown that...", rather than "In our previous work [7] we have shown
that...". All identifying information can be added back to the final
camera-ready version of accepted papers.

Selection criteria include originality of ideas, correctness, clarity,
significance of results, and quality of presentation. Each submission will
first be evaluated by Senior Program Committee members (SPCs). If the SPCs
in charge of the submission believe that the paper has no chance of being
accepted, they will inform the Area Chair (AC). If the AC concurs with this
assessment, then the paper will be rejected without entering the standard
reviewing process (summary reject). Papers passing this step will go
through a full reviewing process by multiple reviewers. This process will
include the opportunity for authors to point out errors in the reviews
(response). Author responses will be limited to clear factual errors in the
reviews, and are not intended to create a dialogue between reviewers and
authors. By submitting a paper, authors acknowledge that they are aware of
the possibility of receiving a summary rejection notification within one
month after submission without any written review. Authors also accept that
all decisions of the program committee (i.e., summary reject, standard
reject, or accept) will be final and cannot be appealed.

*Submission Restrictions*

IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 is enforcing a strict submission limit. Each individual
author is limited to no more than 6 submissions to IJCAI-PRICAI 2020. The
list of authors provided at submission time is final. Authors may not be
added to, or removed from, papers following submission. (Author ordering
may still be changed.) Finally, for each submitted paper to IJCAI-PRICAI
2020 the set of authors commit themselves to review up to three submissions
to IJCAI-PRICAI 2020, if asked to. (For example, authors X and Y who submit
two papers together could be asked to review up to six papers.) This rule
does not apply to papers for which at least one of the authors is already a
PC member, an SPC member, or an AC of IJCAI-PRICAI 2020.

*Resubmissions of Substantially Improved Recent Submissions*

Authors of papers that have been rejected from AAAI 2020, ECAI 2020, AAMAS
2020, ICCV 2020, or ICAPS 2020 are permitted to resubmit substantially
improved versions to IJCAI-PRICAI 2020. In this case, authors must declare
the resubmission by including a cover letter with their submission. The
cover letter should summarize the main reasons for rejection and should
describe the changes the authors have made to address the reviewers'
comments. The cover letter should be inserted at the beginning of the
submitted PDF, along with the previous reviews and previous anonymized
rejected submission, before the 6+1 pages of the paper. Such resubmissions
must contain, in a single PDF file:

   - - the cover letter, headed by the title of the rejected paper, the
   tracking number (if any), and the name of the conference to which this
   paper was submitted,
   - - the full reviews from the rejected conference,
   - - the anonymized version of the rejected paper, and
   - - the new submission.

A paper rejected from these conferences and omitting to declare
resubmission will be directly rejected without further review.

Note that IJCAI-PRICAI 2020 is a joint conference held under the IJCAI
rules. The papers published there will be solely IJCAI publications with
IJCAI as copyright holder. This applies to all main conference
contributions regardless of the track.


Please send all enquiries about the Special Track on AI in Sustainability
and Human Well-being to the Special Track Co-Chairs Michela Milano (
michela.milano at unibo.it) and Sabine Storandt (
sabine.storandt at uni-konstanz.de)

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