[agents] PRIMA 2019: student grants, program, invited talks, social events and early registration

Matteo Baldoni baldoni at di.unito.it
Tue Sep 24 16:37:07 EDT 2019


The 22nd International Conference on Principles and Practice of
Multi-Agent Systems (PRIMA 2019)
October 28th - October 31st, 2019
Università  degli Studi di Torino, Torino, Italy


- Invited Talks
- Conference program
- Social Events
- Early registration
- Student grants


Software systems are becoming more intelligent in the kind of
functionality they offer users. At the same time, systems are becoming
more decentralised, with components that represent autonomous entities
who must communicate among themselves to achieve their goals. Examples
of such systems range from healthcare and emergency relief and
disaster management to e-business and smarts grids. A multi-agent
worldview is crucial to properly conceptualising, building, and
governing such systems. It offers abstractions such as intelligent
agent, protocol, norm, organisation, trust, incentive, and so on, and
is rooted in solid computational and software engineering foundations.
As a large but still growing research field of Computer Science,
multi-agent systems today remain a unique enabler of interdisciplinary

Invited Talks

PRIMA 2019 is happy to host two prestigous speakers:

- prof. Frank Dignum, Umeå university and Utrecht University
- prof. Ugo Pagallo, Università degli Studi di Torino

Conference Program

The conference program is available at the following address:


Social Events

The Welcome aperitif is be served at the historic Caffè Fiorio:


The Social Dinner will be held at the Eataly restaurant


The location is the first store of the chain of retail stores specialized
in the sale and distribution of quality Italian food products.

Early Registration

The early registration will end on September 27th, 2019:


Student grants

Two student grants are available. They are offered by the Italian
Association for Artificial Intelligence (AI*IA). They reimbourse the
full conference early registration fee for a student.

The applicants must (1) have registered before the early registration
deadline (2) a motivation letter with the activities they will carry out
at the conference (paper presentation, workshop attendance, tutorial

Please, send the application to prima2019 at di.unito.it by October 4th, 2019.


Program chairs

     Mehdi Dastani
     Beishui Liao
     Rym Zalila-Wenkstern

General chairs

     Matteo Baldoni
     Yuko Sakurai

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