[agents] PhD position within joint Doctoral College Logical Methods in Computer Science (LogiCS) at TU Wien, Vienna, focused on Formal Methods for large-scale, spatially-distributed, stochastic systems

Mihaela Rozman mihaela.rozman at tuwien.ac.at
Mon Jul 1 05:28:56 EDT 2019

The  <http://ti.tuwien.ac.at/> Institute of Computer Engineering at
Technische Universität Wien (TU Wien) is seeking a candidate for a research
assistant position (PhD student, 4 years). The successful applicant will
carry out his/her PhD in the research area of formal methods applied to the
specification and monitor of large-scale, spatially-distributed, stochastic
systems, contributing to the recently acquired project: “High-dimensional
statistical learning: new methods to advance economic and sustainability


The successful candidate will be a PhD student of the
<https://logic-cs.at/phd/> LogiCS Doctoral Program and she/he will be
supervised by Prof.  <http://www.eziobartocci.com/> Ezio Bartocci and
co-supervised by Dr.  <https://lauranenzi.github.io/> Laura Nenzi.The
application deadline is August 31, 2019. 


Formal methods provide precise formal specification languages that can be
easily interpreted by humans and verification algorithms that can check in
an automatic way the value of satisfaction of interesting properties. One of
the main problems of such techniques is the curse of dimensionality. A
possibility to treat the problem is to use approximate methods such as
statistical model checking. However, even these methodologies can be
unfeasible for very-large-scale stochastic systems. A new research line
consists of exploiting machine learning techniques and Bayesian inference to
identify relevant data and decrease the computational cost, permitting the
application of such powerful formal analysis on very complex systems. An
important aspect that will be covered in the study is the spatial
configuration of such systems, a key feature in several real case studies
that are considering in the project. The methodology will be principally
applied to tackle questions related to sustainable urban mobility and thus
responsible consumption.    



Please submit your application following the instructions in the DK LogiCS
admission portal.  <https://logic-cs.at/phd/admission/>
https://logic-cs.at/phd/admission/, by indicating in the application form:
Prof. Ezio Bartocci and Dr. Laura Nenzi as supervisors. While it is not
necessary to have the Master degree at the moment of the application, it is
instead mandatory to complete it before starting the PhD. Deadline: August
31, 2019



For further information and inquiries about this post please contact Laura
Nenzi, e-mail:  <mailto:laura.nenzi at gmail.com> laura.nenzi AT gmail.com


About LogiCS

The LogiCS doctoral program is a PhD degree program funded by the
<http://www.fwf.ac.at/en/> Austrian Science Fund FWF and run jointly by the
three Austrian universities  <https://www.tuwien.ac.at/en/> TU Wien (Vienna
University of Technology),  <http://logic-cs.at/phd/organization/> Graz
University of Technology and  <http://logic-cs.at/phd/organization/>
Johannes Kepler University Linz. This program is aimed at highly motivated
students who want to work in the field of Logical Methods in Computer


Why join the LogiCS program in Austria?

Vienna has a  <http://logic-cs.at/about-vienna/#logic> prominent history in
mathematics, computer science, and logic research (
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kurt_G%C3%B6del> Kurt Gödel,
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vienna_Circle> Vienna Circle, 
Additionally, it has repeatedly been ranked
<http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mercer_Quality_of_Living_Survey> number 1 in
the Mercer Quality of Living Survey. The LogiCS faculty comprises 15
<http://logic-cs.at/phd/faculty/> renowned researchers with strong records
in research, teaching, and advising, complemented by 14
<http://logic-cs.at/phd/faculty/> associated members who further strengthen
the research and teaching activities of the college, as well as
<http://www.vcla.at/category/talks/> visiting professors and frequent
guests. The program is complemented by our faculty’s participation research
initiatives such as the  <http://arise.or.at/> Austrian-wide National
Research Network on Rigorous Systems Engineering (ARiSE) funded by the
Austrian Science Fund, the  <http://www.vcla.at/> Vienna Center for Logic
and Algorithms (VCLA).


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