[agents] [Agents] [Call for Participation] AI Summer School 2019 in Singapore - 22 to 26 July 2019

MA Su Su susu at aisingapore.org
Fri May 24 01:27:05 EDT 2019





AI Summer School 2019


22-26 July 2019



https://aisummerschool.aisingapore.org/ <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__aisummerschool.aisingapore.org_&d=DwMFaQ&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=0w3solp5fswiyWF2RL6rSs8MCeFamFEPafDTOhgTfYI&m=Ec5c0O-jbRwaDZiW4KEXJ3J0co5j8pA7AgLU_nQti6o&s=JtdDHg7yVhlVmYXOdyyUtQKKuwyXjOXiPY9lpOJVXEE&e=> 



General enquiries: aisummerschool at aisingapore.org <mailto:aisummerschool at aisingapore.org> 



Applications are open for the AI Summer School to be held in Singapore 22-26 July 2019. It is jointly organized by AI Singapore, National University of Singapore’s School of Computing (NUS), Singapore Data Science Consortium (SDSC), Singapore University of Technology and Design (SUTD), Institute for Infocomm Research-A*STAR (I2R) and Singapore Management University (SMU). It is supported by the Elsevier Artificial Intelligence Journal (AIJ).





Over the course of five days, participants will be introduced to the fundamentals of AI as well as advanced concepts such as Machine Learning, Computer Vision, Data Science, Natural Language Processing (NLP), Privacy, Multi-agent Systems, Reinforcement Learning and Algorithmic Game Theory.


Please check the website for updates on the detailed technical program.





• Conducted by international and local AI and Machine Learning lecturers from MIT, Oxford, NUS, NTU, SMU, SUTD, A*STAR

• Format of the Summer School - Lectures, Software Tutorials, Hands-on Workshops by Industry, Panel Discussion, Poster Sessions

• PLUS….Outing and group dinner for all participants






Application details can be found on the AI Summer School website (https://aisummerschool.aisingapore.org <https://urldefense.proofpoint.com/v2/url?u=https-3A__aisummerschool.aisingapore.org&d=DwMFaQ&c=clK7kQUTWtAVEOVIgvi0NU5BOUHhpN0H8p7CSfnc_gI&r=0w3solp5fswiyWF2RL6rSs8MCeFamFEPafDTOhgTfYI&m=Ec5c0O-jbRwaDZiW4KEXJ3J0co5j8pA7AgLU_nQti6o&s=oHyEmjq7bKqk8u2HisY7ow2wDCh49dxMUcj6jpkRBcQ&e=> ). Applications will be processed as received.

Spaces are limited so please send your application as soon as possible. Applications are due by 1 June2019.


General enquiries can be addressed to aisummerschool at aisingapore.org <mailto:aisummerschool at aisingapore.org> 





*	Graduate students (local/overseas universities)
*	Undergraduate with aspiration to do AI-research
*	Researchers in academia and industry


NOTE: The Summer School will be conducted in English.





Dr. Stefan Winkler (AI Singapore)

Dr. Bryan Low (AI Singapore)

Dr.  Tan Kian Lee (Singapore Data Science Consortium)

Dr. David Hsu (National University of Singapore)

Dr. Bo An (Nanyang Technological University)

Dr. Lu Wei (Singapore University of Technology and Design)

Dr. Vijay Ramaseshan Chandrasekhar (Institute for Infocomm Research A*STAR (I2R))

Dr. Lee Wee Sun (National University of Singapore)

Dr. Pradeep Reddy Varakantham (Singapore Management University)


AI Singapore
innovation 4.0
3 Research Link #05-05 
Singapore 117602 

www.aisingapore.org <https://www.aisingapore.org> | 
<https://www.facebook.com/groups/aisingapore> | 

AI Singapore is a 
national programme supported by the National Research Foundation and hosted 
by the National University of Singapore (Company Registration No: 
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