[agents] Fwd: EUSPN 2019: Call for Workshops Proposals

Muhammad ADNAN muhammad.adnan at uhasselt.be
Tue Apr 2 09:46:34 EDT 2019

                                               -------           Call
for Workshops Proposals        ------------

                       The 10th International Conference on Emerging
Ubiquitous Systems and Pervasive Networks (EUSPN)

        November 4-7, 2019

            Coimbra, Portugal

                                                Conference Website:


*Important Dates*

- Workshop Proposal Due:   May 30, 2019

The EUSPN-2019 organizing committee invites proposals for workshops.
The main objective of the workshops is to provide a forum for
researchers and professionals to discuss a specific topic from the
field of EUSPN-2019 and its related areas.

All papers accepted for workshops will be included in the EUSPN-2019
proceedings, which will be published by Elsevier. The authors must
follow Elsevier guidelines as given in EUSPN-2019 Website. The
selective outstanding papers presented at the workshops, after further
revision, will be considered for publication in journals special
*Pre-proposal Submission Inquiries*
If you are interested to organize a workshop and you wish to discuss
ideas for a workshop proposal, please feel free to contact the
Workshops Chair.
*Proposal Format*
- Title of the workshop
- Workshop website: tentative address, or old address (if applicable)
- Draft call for papers of the workshop
- Tentative list of TPC members
*Workshops Chair*
Dr. Muhammad Adnan, Hasselt University, Belgium (Email:
muhammad.adnan at uhasselt.be)

Dr. Haroon Malik, Marshall University, USA (Email: malikh at marshall.edu)



Dr. Muhammad Adnan
Senior Navorser - Senior Researcher
Instituut voor Mobiliteit (IMOB) - Transportation Research Institute

T +32(0)11 26 91 47 - F +32(0)11 26 91 99

Universiteit Hasselt - Campus Diepenbeek
Wetenschapspark 5 bus 6 - B-3590 Diepenbeek
Kantoor WETP5-0.10
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