[agents] EurAI’s ACAI-2019 & EETN’s HAISS-2019 Summer School: Call for participation, scholarships available!

Georgios Chalkiadakis gehalk at gmail.com
Fri Jan 25 10:35:24 EST 2019

apologies for cross postings,

Dear colleagues, dear students,

The EurAI’s (www.eurai.org) 17th Advanced Course on AI (ACAI) will take
place at Chania (Crete, Greece) this coming July.
It will also constitute the 2019 Hellenic Artificial Intelligence Summer
School (HAISS).

ACAI is typically organised on a bi-annual basis. The theme of ACAI-2019 is
“AI for Multi-Agent Worlds”

School Dates: July 1 - July 5, 2019.

Venue: Kounoupidiana Campus,Technical University of Crete, Chania, Greece

website: http://acai2019.tuc.gr
facebook: www.facebook.com/acai2019

*** The provisional ACAI-2019 tutors and talks program is out! ***


*** Scholarships will be provided by EurAI and the Hellenic AI Society
(EETN)!  ***

ACAI provides a wide range of state-of-the-art courses given by some of the
most prominent researchers in the area.
A typical course is broad enough to provide a general introduction to the
chosen topic, whilst also students can learn the most relevant
contributions in depth. This year, the School offers a well-balanced
tutorial curriculum,
which covers many important AI topics with application in multi-agent
worlds, such as AI Ethics, Machine Learning/Deep Learning, Logic, Robotics,
Game Theory, AI for Digital Games, and more.

ACAI-2019 is co-organized by:

The European Association for Artificial Intelligence (EurAI) - www.eurai.org
The Greek AI Society (EETN) - www.eetn.gr
The Technical University of Crete (TUC) www.tuc.gr  / School of Electrical
and Computer Engineering - www.ece.tuc.gr

Please spread the word, and...

See you in Crete this coming July!

Georgios Chalkiadakis

Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Technical University of Crete
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