[agents] CFP (IFIP WWIC 2019): The 17th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications, Bologna, Italy. June 17-19, 2019
simone.bolettieri at iit.cnr.it
simone.bolettieri at iit.cnr.it
Tue Jan 15 12:42:46 EST 2019
[Apologies if you got multiple copies of this invitation]
The 17th International Conference on Wired/Wireless Internet Communications
June 17-19, 2019, Bologna, Italy
***** PAPER REGISTRATION DEADLINE: February 18, 2019 *****
Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for publication on a fast track special issue of Computer Communications (Elsevier) journal.
Due to advancements in technology and development of new services, we foresee a tremendous growth of new devices and smart things that need to be connected to the Internet through a variety of wireless technologies. At the same time, the edge of the Internet is increasingly empowered with new capabilities, like pervasive sensing and computing power, which opens the way to new domains, services and business models beyond the traditional mobile Internet, such as connected cars, participatory and urban sensing, industrial IoT. As a consequence, new types of information have to be delivered by the network with varying requirements in terms of reliability, transmission rates and latency. To cope with the exponential growth of devices and mobile data traffic, there is a need for clean-slate or evolutionary Internet architectures merging and assembling different network technologies, supporting new paradigms for wired/wireless system planning and optimization, efficient transport over heterogeneous wireless access options, efficient and quality-aware content distribution, and new approaches for unified operations and management of the heterogeneous components, like software-defined systems and network function virtualization. These are only some examples of the challenges that are of interest to IFIP WWIC 2019.
The IFIP WWIC 2019 conference takes a broader view to the merge of wired and wireless technologies and welcomes submissions from academia and industry that explore challenges and advances in architectures, algorithms, protocols, and technologies for a global wired/wireless Internet network. Papers that present original work, validated by experimentation, simulation, or analysis, are solicited. We also encourage work-in-progress and position papers that describe highly original ideas, present new directions, or have the potential to generate insightful provocative discussions. IFIP WWIC is a single-track conference which has reached, over the last 15 years, a high-quality level, which is reflected by the paper acceptance rate as well as the level of attendance. Following the conference tradition, there will be the best paper award.
Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Anticipatory Mobile Networking
- Architectures and protocols for unified operations and management in wired/wireless environments
- Architectures and protocols for mobile edge/fog computing
- Content-centric and user-centric networking in wired/wireless environments
- Cross-layer network design and optimization
- Data-driven network design and optimization
- Delay/disruptive tolerant and opportunistic networking
- Emergency communication and public-safety networks
- End-to-end QoS support
- Game-theory applications in distributed networked systems
- Heterogeneous wireless access networks
- Internet/Web of Things and Machine-to-Machine (M2M) communications
- Interactions between wireless and optical networks
- Intent-based wired and wireless networking
- Localisation, tracking, and mobility management
- Machine-learning approaches in cognitive radio networks
- Machine-learning approaches for network planning, optimization and management
- Modelling of heterogeneity aspects
- Mobile clouds and mobile edge computing (MEC)
- Mobile service level agreements/specifications
- Network mobility and handover management
- Network Function Virtualization (NFV)
- Network security, trust and privacy in a wired/wireless environment
- Pricing, charging, and accounting
- QoS/QoE mechanisms in wired/wireless environments
- Resource management and admission control
- Robot and UAV networks
- Routing in wired/wireless environments
- Satellite and space networking
- Seamless inter-networking and self-organisation
- Service composition and management
- System prototypes, measurements, real-world deployment, and experiences
- Software-defined wireless networks
- 5G and beyond 5G networks
- Traffic characterization and modelling
- Transport protocols and congestion control in a wired/wireless environment
- User-centric networking
- Virtual and overlay networks
- WiFi hotspot sharing
- Wireless ad hoc, mesh, vehicular and sensor networks
- Wireless network monitoring
- Wearable communications and computing
Prospective authors are invited to submit original papers with unpublished material and not currently submitted for consideration elsewhere. Papers should not exceed 12 LNCS formatted pages, including figures, tables, and references. At least one author of each accepted paper must register to the conference and present the paper.
Papers accepted and presented at IFIP WWIC 2019 will be published as part of the Springer LNCS. They will also be submitted to appear in Scopus, ISI Web of Science, DBLP and other leading indexing services. Extended versions of selected papers will be invited for publication on a fast track special issue of Computer Communications (Elsevier) journal.
All submitted papers must conform to the LNCS Formatting Guidelines. Authors are invited to use either the LNCS's Latex template or MS Word Template. If you have any questions about paper submissions or the program, please contact us at http://wwic2019.nws.cs.unibo.it. All submissions must be made electronically via EDAS using this link: https://edas.info/newPaper.php?c=25605
- Manuscript registration deadline: February 18, 2018
- Manuscript submission deadline: February 24, 2018
- Manuscript acceptance notification: April 20, 2019
- Camera-ready paper submission: May 6, 2019
- Conference dates: June 17-19, 2019
General Chairs
Marco Di Felice, University of Bologna, Italy
Enrico Natalizio, Université de Lorraine, France
Program Chairs
Raffaele Bruno, IIT-CNR, Italy
Andreas Kassler, Karlstad University, Sweden
Publication & Web Chair
Angelo Trotta, University of Bologna, Italy
Publicity Chairs
Deval Bhamare, Karlstad University, Sweden
Simone Bolettieri, IIT-CNR, Italy
For further information, please visit the conference website at:
http://wwic2019.nws.cs.unibo.it or contact the conference organizers at:
wwic2019-chairs at edas.info
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