[agents] Call for Intention -ANAC 2019 Competition, IJCAI 2019

Reyhan Aydogan reyhan.aydogan at gmail.com
Sat Jan 12 16:49:40 EST 2019

Dear all,

The ANAC competition brings together researchers from the negotiation
community and provides a unique benchmark for evaluating practical
negotiation strategies in multi-issue domains. The previous competitions
have spawned novel research in AI in the field of autonomous agent design
which are available to the wider research community. This year, we
introduce a variety of negotiation research challenges:


   Agent Negotiation with partial preferences (Genius framework

   Repeated Human-Agent Negotiation (IAGO framework

   Supply Chain Management Negotiation League (Framework is under
   construction and will be ready soon).

   Negotiation Strategies for the Diplomacy Strategy Game (Bandana framework

   Negotiation Strategies for the WereWolf Game (AIWolf

Before announcing the definite ANAC 2019 negotiation leagues, we would like
to see if we have enough participants for each league. Therefore, we kindly
ask you which league(s) you are interested in and would like to participate
in.  Please fill in the intended participation registration form by 20
January 2019. Registration is free of charge ! You can find a short
abstract description about each league on our website:

ANAC 2019 Website →  http://web.tuat.ac.jp/~katfuji/ANAC2019/

Filling in the intended participation registration form is important so
that we can inform you about any update regarding the negotiation platforms
you are interested in and about ANAC 2019.

Please register your intention to participate at:

Registration website →  https://tinyurl.com/ANAC2019Intention

ANAC Board Members


   Dr. Reyhan Aydoğan, Ozyegin University, Delft University of Technology

   Dr. Tim Baarslag, Centrum Wiskunde & Informatica (CWI), Utrecht

   Prof. Dr. Katsuhide Fujita, Tokyo University of Agriculture and

   Prof. Dr. Catholijn Jonker, Delft University of Technology, Leiden

League Organizers


   Agent Negotiation with partial preferences: ANAC Board Members

   Repeated Human-Agent Negotiation: Johnathan Mell, The University of
   Southern California

   Supply Chain Management Negotiation League: Dr. Yasser Mohammad, AIST
   and Shinji Nakadai and Dr. Satoshi Morinaga, NEC

   Negotiation Strategies for the Diplomacy Strategy Game: Dr. Dave de
   Jonge, IIIA-CSIC, Barcelona

   Negotiation Strategies for the WereWolf Game: Dr. Hirotaka Osawa and
    Dr. Claus Aranha, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Best regards,

Reyhan Aydogan

Computer Science,  Ozyegin University, Istanbul, Turkey

Web site: *https://faculty.ozyegin.edu.tr/reyhanaydogan
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