[agents] Fwd: Deadline extended: International Workshop on Simulation Science, May 2019, Clausthal

Jörg P. Müller joerg.mueller at tu-clausthal.de
Wed Dec 19 08:36:47 EST 2018

Betreff: 	Deadline extended: International Workshop on Simulation 
Science, May 2019, Clausthal
Datum: 	Tue, 18 Dec 2018 13:11:03 +0100
Von: 	Nina Gunkelmann nina.gunkelmann at tu-clausthal.de 
<swz-news at tu-clausthal.de>
Antwort an: 	Nina Gunkelmann <nina.gunkelmann at tu-clausthal.de>
An: 	Simulationswissenschaftliches Zentrum - News 
<swz-news at tu-clausthal.de>

Dear Colleague,

I would like to invite you to the second interdisciplinary international 
conference about Simulation Science from 8th to 10th May 2019 in 
Clausthal (Germany).

The workshop considers the broad area of modeling & simulation with a 
focus on simulation and optimization in networks, simulation of 
materials and distributed simulations.

For details, visit www.simscience2019.tu-clausthal.de

Please consider submitting your abstract to the workshop.

Due to multiple requests the deadline for abstract submissions has been 
extended to: *

*Jan**uary 9th, 2019*.

We look forward to meeting you in Clausthal.

Best regards,

Nina Gunkelmann

Jun. Prof. Dr. Nina Gunkelmann
Chair of Computational Material Sciences/Engineering
Institute of Applied Mechanics
TU Clausthal

Arnold-Sommerfeld-Straße 6, room 310
38678 Clausthal-Zellerfeld, Germany
Phone:   +49 5323 72-5214
E-Mail:nina.gunkelmann at tu-clausthal.de

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