[agents] SICIS 2019 Call for Papers

Stefania MONICA stefania.monica at unipr.it
Wed Dec 12 09:15:04 EST 2018

3rd Symposium on

Social Interactions in Complex Intelligent Systems (SICIS)

Symposium at the AISB Convention 2019<http://aisb2019.falmouthgamesacademy.com/>


Call for Papers

Aims and Scope

A Complex Intelligent System is a large network of interacting agents with no central control, in which complex behaviours emerge from, usually simple, behaviours of single agents. Social interactions in Complex Intelligent Systems give rise to emergent behaviours and collective properties that hold at the macroscopic level, and that cannot be easily inferred from the analysis of the behaviour of single agents at the microscopic level. The study of Complex Intelligent Systems represents a novel approach to investigate how social interactions among agents lead to emergent behaviours which exhibit some sort of intelligence.

Topics of Interest

Topics of interest of the symposium include, but are not limited to:

- Collective intelligence and cooperation in Complex Intelligent Systems

- Interacting agents and emergent behaviours in Complex Intelligent Systems

- Self-adaptiveness and self-organization in Complex Intelligent Systems

- Opinion dynamics in Complex Intelligent Systems

- Social consensus and agreement in Complex Intelligent Systems

- Social simulation and agent-based simulation of Complex Intelligent Systems

- Social networks analysis and simulation of Complex Intelligent Systems

- Mathematical analysis of Complex Intelligent Systems

- Mathematical and physical models of Complex Intelligent Systems

- Bio-inspired analysis of Complex Intelligent Systems

- Game theoretic and economical models of Complex Intelligent Systems

Organizing Committee

- Federico Bergenti, University of Parma

- Stefania Monica, University of Parma

- Paolo Petta, Austrian Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, Wien


The symposium welcomes research contributions which would allow to solicit the discussion and brainstorming about any relevant aspect related to Complex Intelligent Systems, either practical or theoretical/conceptual. Contributions will be included in the Proceedings of AISB Convention 2019<http://aisb2019.falmouthgamesacademy.com/programme/symposia/>.

Contributions should follow AISB Convention 2019 paper style guide (aisb2019.falmouthgamesacademy.com/programme/submissions)<http://aisb2019.falmouthgamesacademy.com/programme/submissions)> with the following page limits

- Full-papers: 6-8 pages

- Extended abstracts: 1-2 pages

Papers can be submitted in PDF format at easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sicis2019<https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=sicis2019>

Important Dates

- Paper submission: January 14th, 2019

- Notification of acceptance: March 11th, 2019

- Symposium (one day): April 16th-18th, 2019

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